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Everything posted by stormyboy

  1. You just told yourself to go f**k ya self!! ??? You're a fecking angry man bill.
  2. So, bill youre calling green lurchers inexperienced when he's obviously had plenty judging by his posts and pics? And you're quoting yourself again ? One thing I will say since getting one, the humble whippet is very under rated by a lot of lurcher men.
  3. I think that should do it sandy. Those two can out boast each other out of harm's way. God bless the ' net, fecking straighteners FFS! ???
  4. ? is Bill real? Gold this! ?
  5. You on the right thread Fred? ?
  6. Well the vulcan has come up to expectations- first nest last week, fecking blocked. Did one yesterday, first shot in wall petered out, pissed off wasps all over me. Thanks a bunch to the clueless c**ts in their offices making the new rules about ficam d.
  7. Yeah thanks for that sid. Scrapped it now, should have asked for a trial.
  8. There are courses on live removal available now, which is great. I won't kill them, but would be good to know someone who does cut outs etc rather than a lot of keepers who won't even go up a ladder.
  9. You're obviously a pal of his, you think the way he has trolled and hounded a man over his breeding a litter for himself, across 2 forums is ok? If you are a pal, I suggest you have a word, not that he would listen to anything he hasn't made up himself just to provoke a reaction. His behaviour is verging on obsession imo. And definitely VERY immature.
  10. That's Kieran all right, told me his starved saluki X would run my fat whippet into the ground. ? John123, your next user name should be saluki John, what with your obsession with collie John. ?
  11. For real Daniel? Joe you're right, he's been a twat to loads on moochers, as you know. ( I'm jackfost on there). Just makes assumptions and jumps to conclusions and states it as facts. Fecking immature gobshite.
  12. The boy will see being fecked off the site as a badge of honour. Guaranteed.
  13. Put the picture of the bag of bones you've reared so far up Kieran. I f***ing dare you. Don't worry, I got this. You were saying about feeding?
  14. No mate, he's beyond help. Been like it with loads on moochers at one time or another. Actually stalking collie John, posting stuff from Facebook. Very weird imo. Immature kid with a dog.
  15. Well I've learned to block childish pricks.
  16. FFS someone give the poor little sod a pat on the back. And I've said nothing about needing to run hares. I don't.
  17. Like I said, no answer. I'll do it for you- you lied. You've shown what you are son, keep up the good work.
  18. You're referring to the little hind you caught, I was referring to deer generally. Told you I haven't done reds and never said I did but you've twisted it to suit you trolling .Clear now? To make it clear once more, I haven't done reds and have never claimed to. Again, I have never claimed to do red deer. Talking of lies, could you show me the post where I quoted the hunting act? And where you got the info that I feed wagg food? and where you get your info that certain others don't hunt enough to " test" their dogs? Try a truthful answer like a grown up. Doubt it though
  19. Same gobshite, same thread, on moochers.
  20. So is ignorance. Wagg worker FFS, like I said you make shit up and post before thinking. Carry on Kieran, I've no more to say on the subject, can't argue with stupid.
  21. Yes I have. I don't know how your dog is trained so can't comment on that. What is wage worker, and how do you know your dog is better fed than mine? And what the f**k has it got to do with anything? You're like an old woman Kiera, Kieran Richie, mickydemouse, Keep on and on. " Done more in a season than use" FFS, your a fecking spoiled kid. Grow the f**k up.
  22. I already answered, yes. One I've reared, trained and am rehabilitating after a pretty horrific injury. But you know that, so why ask? That's the difference you see, going the extra mile rather than putting a dog down before it's even fully mature like yourself. The difference between a dog man and an inexperienced boy who thinks he's the man because he's caught a few hares and deer. A lot have been there and done it son, and before you come out with your usual " old yin" comments, like I said, when you're all grown up you'll know. Bye.
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