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Everything posted by stormyboy

  1. If they're bred from working stock, it makes no difference what colour they are. Seen slow, fast and all in between in all colours. Old wives tale down here is polecat works deeper than whites. Crap, depends entirely on the ferret. I like white personally, easier seen in the hedgerows we work.
  2. Jab up with what? And yeah, bolting weight ???
  3. This is what you said. No nerve. Now just a little nerve ?. There is. Little nerve ???
  4. It does hell as like! 100% I suggest you research it- there is a nerve in the quick. They feel pain if it's cut, they would not if there was no nerve to transmit that to the brain. No nerve in the cuticle, but there sure as hell is in the quick.
  5. The answer is because there is a nerve in the quick, dipshit. So if you cut into the quick it f***ing does hurt.
  6. Why do they squeal if you cut the quick then?
  7. He ain't in Spain Bill. You bite like a starving pirhana. ?
  8. ? So much anger. ? Pure gold.??
  9. ......if you jerk it fast enough you should do...
  10. Lovely little pup, all the best with her bud. ?.
  11. ? could be something in that, little fecker thinks he owns the place. ?
  12. Cheers mate, he's never gonna be a Derby winner but doing really well considering. Great character and nature, good company for mooching. No fool in the intelligence stakes either which surprised me for a sighthound. Roll on September.
  13. Yes mate he's got a cracking nose . He's 19 months old and should have had a full season behind him but was hit by a land rover at 8 months, set him back a long way. Started with the ferrets in November and picked it up really quick, marking and following the action, anticipating the bolt well. Had the left femural head removed and the right hip joint pinned. Amazing how he's recovered, loads of hydrotherapy has built muscle up and he's ready for the coming season.
  14. Those pups sound like an accident to me. ?
  15. .177 or even better .20 all the way
  16. Why did they irradiate them? Did they find any broken bones?
  17. I don't know what they let you get away with on the ward but It's against the rules to use the same insult twice in a row here.
  18. There appears to have been a mass break out from the special ward....
  19. Bill's said previously he's only ever bred one litter?. ?
  20. The lr9 was easy to find, a lot of cars had them on the bumper. ??. Good old lamp back in the Day. ( Or night lol)
  21. Good old exchange and mart! Most dogs carried the HJKC tag, none of this modern day smashing teeth etc. ?
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