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Everything posted by updalerob

  1. Any good or not seems cheap must be worth a shot at just over £60 what's your thoughts
  2. Cheers don't think it help a lass bringing around a load of toys and he has been amusing himself for a few days so they've been banned
  3. He was retrieving great something I've done a lot with him but now decided he wants to drop the ball at my feet or if it's a dummy starts chucking it about in the feild any help would be greatful lads
  4. Got a deerhound x whippet dave platt lines and was told he would.be the man to ask for a batch for him
  5. How do I contact Dave Sleight I have a whippet x deerhound dave platt lines and I've been told if I want a good batch for him he is the man to contact
  6. Git a 5 month old whippet x deerhound dog off dave platt wanting a batch soon for him if anyone nows of any going
  7. I own one of his dogs he is a little cracker be working him when he is ready
  8. Phone auto corrected whippet x deerhound I'm after pal
  9. Off subject but I'm after a whippet x deerhond for my dog took me a while to find him anyone no of any breeders
  10. There a multitude of land I have access to all the info I've got is great helps me make a decision thanks lads
  11. Nearly ready to go lamping and wanted to no what's the best lamp
  12. Anyone no of any breeders I'm after a bitch
  13. still got the pup mate. and do you have any pics
  14. ive decided to get a whippet and wonderd if anyone could help me with a few good breeders names or if anyone has any good pups for sale cheers everyone
  15. interested mate pm me with where you live
  16. if its stil up at the end of next week ill take it
  17. just what im looking for you stil got it
  18. you still got the saluki x grey bud and how much
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