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Everything posted by scotty12

  1. scotty12


    They All Submitted To Trump. RUMBLE.COM They All Submitted To Trump. A video from the events explained above just look at their faces
  2. scotty12


    THE TIMELINE – Donald Trump, Q and The Great Awakening RUMBLE.COM THE TIMELINE – Donald Trump, Q and The Great Awakening Join Mark Devlin, Charlie Freak and... An old video pretty long aswell but if you want to fully understand what’s going on just now well worth a listen explains in short how each country submitted …. Now you’ll understand how the brics organisation comes into play and makes more sense
  3. scotty12


    From what I gather along the lines no one’s aloud to walk in front of the queen when presenting to the guards mate … maybe wrong sure someone can correct me if I am … it’s basically means she submitted
  4. scotty12


    Looks like what I have been saying is coming more mainstream watch until the end ? ….. military operation they had to show the public the corruption first hand ? fake Biden ? gold backed currency on its way ? ( how much gold was the Vatican holding underneath it ?? ) royal family dissolved ? looks like this white hats were working hard behind the scenes
  5. scotty12


    Thoughts on gb news fellas ?
  6. Looking like the nut jobs were correct once again …. The actor from sound of freedom on child sex trafficking ….. think it’s about time yous started paying attention to the conspiracy nuts because it’s becoming transparent that we are pretty accurate on most things coming to light
  7. Sad ain’t it and that’s only the tip of the iceberg those kids are getting raped and tortured for pleasure on a daily ….. That’s exactly why all this Peado and child trafficking is getting exposed bit by bit because the general public wouldnt handle what’s about to get exposed all at once …. Mel Gibson is currently making another 4 part documentary about Ukraine and the Roth Childs …. now all of yous ask yourself this ?? do you honestly think it would be possible to expose these creatures if the main big players behind the scenes aren’t already dealt with ?? ...
  8. As dc said mate he exposed it years ago and it got brushed aside
  9. Haven’t had a chance to watch it myself yet mate will do over the next week or so …. I got laughed at when I said they were trafficking kids in Ukraine and harvesting their organs and selling them …. Also get laughed at with all the white hats Talk ( the good guys behind the scenes )
  10. asks yourselfs this why would anyone be against raising awareness of child sex trafficking ??? One answer there balls deep inside it the fact that no celebrities or politicians or how the trailer for Sound of Freedom isn’t being shown on the news, just shows the world we live in.. Trying to cancel a movie about trafficking and say it’s a “paranoid new movie”
  11. New movie released about child sex trafficking the conspiracies are about to come true in the near future they’re preparing the public mentally for what’s about to get exposed ….
  12. That’s what these horrible b*****ds are notorious for trafficking kids and using them like a bit of meat …. Get them hooked on drugs and if their cover ever gets blown well you guessed it ?? who’s going to believe a crackheads version of events. it ain’t no surprise first Phil and now this c**t someone or some people are exposing them behind the scenes drip drip drip plenty more to come their just slowly conditioning for what’s about to get really exposed
  13. Just purposely set your dog on a deer and let it chase it too death humanely as possible ????
  14. Stop getting your knickers in a twist and embrace the culture Allahu Akbar
  15. @sandymere getting a bit upset asking the questions Would advise no lefties to watch ….too much swearing and common sense man with money and sense been there and worn the t shirt
  16. Only global warming fears we have on this planet is the hot air coming out a few select mouths …. Prizes for guessing correctly who ????
  17. scotty12

    Honda 350

    Is That King Charles in the picture ?
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