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Everything posted by scotty12

  1. Good analysis mate, feck all that daft music on mcs videos I think you should do the voice over commentating you'd be the Martin Tyler of the coursing world. which style did you prefer your dogs too run mate ?
  2. He's already saved us as yous don't even know it yet lol
  3. The system for small business's is getting to the stage is near non repairable ..... watch how many go under in the next month with national insurance increase , top that off with employees wanting a wage increase because of council tax and utility bills increasing again. just aswell king Donald is saving the day for the citizens of the uk from their financial burdens
  4. It was the Russians ..... oh wait lol
  5. Don't think he's ever coursed outside his postcode, arss starts squeaking when he gets to the border of hull lol
  6. Don't take the nonsense that was written too serious it was only banter between keen lads the thread would have probably died off a while ago if it wasn't for it only so much coursing you can talk about that's not already been discussed over the years. where was the best hares you ran back in the day ? did you have a few that could stop them ?
  7. I'll supply you with a 4x4 wheel chair lol
  8. 15/20 maybe more depends how far you wanna walk plenty kicking about
  9. In the first hour ill Get you those runs
  10. Bring all four of them you'll need them
  11. Tricky land lol lol Your tricky land and my tricky land are miles apart pal your dog wouldn't know if it was needing a shite or a Hare cut up this neck of the woods you would need to play the benny hill theme music over the video recording of your dog getting the run around because all you would hear is me rolling on the ground laughing in the back ground
  12. Like your feelings when it comes to talking about coursing lol
  13. @The droveryou've got English men trying to explain to us Scottish about cover lol have you ever heard the likes of it lol
  14. f**k me now the English day walkers have invented cover and wet ground what ever next lol dunno what wet sandy land is or the black not got any of that in Scotland send me some pics over sounds fascinating
  15. Scotland's one of the wettest countries in the world ya maddo !! wet land lol your winter temps down south are like our summer temps deary me hares are running around with man bags and flip flops on down your end
  16. I would even give him a handincap advantage i would run her when's she's bursting at the seems with a belly full. a strip of trees he's passing of as cover f**k me lol send him some of those pics over mate show him some real cover
  17. That old chestnut start filming it when's it old so the excuses can be had.
  18. Think there's still some Lucas straws left pal enquire about them
  19. Hunting life will be a quieter place just shortly with all these Ukrainian lovers away fighting in the war.... few of us that are left will be able to have intelligent conversations without getting interrupted by the eejits for once
  20. May god protect and look over you today have a blessed and wonderful day my friend.
  21. Good morning to you aswell mate happy monday
  22. That's the Scot's for you pal leading inventors and creators of the world
  23. who the f**k watches bgt ya sad c**t. your defo sounding more like a lesbian post by post
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