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Everything posted by scotty12

  1. scotty12

    Flu jab

    he's right people that had the vaccine were dopey c**ts. people still championing the vaccine after all the info out there are mentally challenged dopey c**ts I think the vaccine has worked its magic on you more than you'll ever know lol
  2. scotty12

    Flu jab

    As they say in glasgow "pure dead brilliant " tip : never represent yourself in court you'll end up giving yourself a life sentence
  3. scotty12

    Flu jab

    He doesn't drink son
  4. scotty12

    Flu jab

    Well you've mr trump to thank for that because the virus wasn't meant to get released until 2024/2025 so the majority of the vaccines were saline as they had to rush them out. I work on building sites and there's plenty of men from all over the country that have regretted taking them they might not be dead or disabled but they certainly don't feel right and can hardly do a days graft these days had a labourer work for me in his mid 50s says he felt like he had a hangover every morning when he woke up and was fatigued a lot of the time was perfectly fine and healthy before
  5. scotty12

    Flu jab

    What about the folk that didn't need them ? lol
  6. scotty12

    Flu jab

    Here the thing most people aren't against vaccines completely it's the safety and effectiveness that bothers people Who regrets not getting there Covid vaccine after what's went on ? and how many people have regretted getting there Covid vaccine ?
  7. scotty12

    Flu jab

    Who was saying that charts name and shame them put them on the spot lol
  8. scotty12

    Flu jab

    Brilliant lads can someone from on here try get in touch with mr trump or Kennedy and get them to cancel as there calling it "war against the pharmaceutical companies " just let them know yous have already audited them and everything's safe and above board no need to waste their time so they can just focus there attention on more pressing matters.
  9. scotty12

    Flu jab

    Doesn't take a genius to join the dots does it ...... I wonder how humanity survived all these thousand of years without vaccines
  10. Rebirthing of a nation this will also happen in the uk also
  11. Looks like we have got ourselfs a new sheriff in town death penalty for drug dealers sure I mentioned that years ago on here drugs will be wiped of our streets for good now entering the golden age
  12. scotty12

    Flu jab

    What do you thing there company policy is mate ? You dont poison them at 16 year of age and under or maybe 18 ?
  13. scotty12

    Flu jab

    After tutoring yous for free over the last few years and it has come to this I'm truly flabbergasted holy shit If it wasn't for some good people fighting for humanity and succeeding By taking us into the golden age we would have been well and truly fuked yous are on here crying every other day about politicians when it's infact your generation that's single handedly just about destroyed humanity and your kids and grandkids future. After everything yous have just been through with covid i thought alot were seeing light at the end of the tunnel but deary me Vaccines for kids f
  14. scotty12

    Flu jab

    That could have been easily avoided back in the day with the right advice
  15. scotty12

    Flu jab

    Ok his kid might be ok if he's fit and healthy but say he doesn't get the flu jab and his son passes the flu onto someone less vulnerable what then ?
  16. scotty12

    Flu jab

    Think the kid should have it dido better being safe than sorry
  17. He did say he would release them on his first term then backtracked saying people that were involved were still alive
  18. Half a bag of sand ? we giving him until the summer ? Latest
  19. Half a bag of sand ? we giving him until the summer ? Latest
  20. Anything your comfortable with mate whatever you choose we shall put it to a charity of choice preferably a small charity that will actually see the money ?
  21. I'll take you up on it what's the deal ?
  22. Telegram: Contact @qthestormrider777 T.ME President Trump released his plan to DISMANTLE the Deep State. Now that he's President-elect, this is the...
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