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Everything posted by scotty12

  1. @chartpolski not sure if your heard this song from Bob Dylan?
  2. I don't really know much about it all mate never really looked into it just a couple of kids I came across for people to have a look at. I have seen a few things that suggests jfk Jr is still alive and there finishing the job his dad started.
  3. Would that then suggest that trump and the military have been dealing with the deep state behind the scenes if there now in a position to release them lol Yous jabbers and common sense don't go hand in hand lol
  4. x.com X.COM Another video of Bill cooper explaining it
  5. x.com X.COM I don't know much about it never really looked into the whole thing but there's a couple of videos on that link and some man that dealt with the autopsy saying he got shot in the front of the head. @Goly
  6. It's been verified as official letter pal. I don't know too much about the shootings tbh I was just asking questions about it you seem as if you know your stuff on it. We all know that wasn't the real Joe Biden for the last 4 years and his full political reputation just got made a mockery of just trying to join some dots why they would mock him like that to a full world audience
  7. You'll get the lists and names but there's a lot more names and it goes deeper than you can imagine. You'll get them this year
  8. Do you think Joe Biden hard any part to play in the murder ? that was a letter from JFK JNR saying ...dear SEN Biden you are a traitor
  9. He's deploying the army to the border 10,000 troops
  10. It's all been one big money con
  11. What are talking about ? Your a sandwich short of a picnic
  12. timing for everything trump always put people at the front to oust them there's members of his cabinet that he's picked that are deep state he's just exposing them the swamp is deeper than most people can imagine everyone thinks it's just democrats but the Republican Party is full of them aswell jd Vance his vice president is deep state.
  13. I'm not sure exactly what's in them mate but think about it people have basically worked out all the different theories, lone shooter there was 2 shooters, the driver or passenger of the car shot him etc etc so I don't know what the big secret would be just confirming a scenario that most people already know there clearly has to be a lot more to it than what we are privy too there's a lot more skullduggery goes on behind the scenes than we can imagine.
  14. Answered their own question that they deny lol
  15. JFK jr was running against Hillary Clinton for 2000 US Senate seat in New York miraculously his plane crashed only a couple of months later his "plane crashed " but they say they have wind of was about to happen and faked their deaths. Jfk jr also said he would avenge his fathers death jfk jr was also good friends with trump there's a reason why the plans in place to take down the deep state
  16. @chartpolski what's your take on his son jfk jr faking his death and still being alive ? Have you looked into any of that ?
  17. So who keeps the secrets from the president ?
  18. Why wait all this time just to release that info lol don't add up mate which ever way you look at it not as if it's trumps first term and been plenty presidents before him
  19. Was just another theory mate that was all there's clearly a lot more that's goes on behind the scenes than. We are privy too. There's clearly more than meets the eye with it all and or trump would have just released the files in the first term t
  20. The CIA. Allen Dulles with deep state military generals were in panic with mi6 and Mossad as JFK was going to end the Vietnam war ( opium wars) . EXPOSE the advanced technology operations and Splinter the CIA operations . The operations to take down the CIA was called the THE STORM by JFK< The moment JFK fired the director of the CIA Allen Dulles , JFK was killed after. And there after the investigation of the JFK COMMISSIONS REPORT took place to investigate the assassination and ALLEN DULLES took command of the Commission report and started the cover-up///// ________ Fo
  21. _As World War II Ended in 1945 and General George Patton was given control of southern Germany .( The OSS-was CIA beginng operations- head Allen Dulles with MI6 and Patton created Ghost military operations to capture the German military in psychological operations and Intelligence feeds.... >The OSS worked with the Vatican and knights of Malta and Jesuits , to this day CIA heads still sit on the council of intelligence inside the Vatican) _ _after the war stopped on May 8 1945 in Germany the deep state OSS/ROTHCHILDS/ ROCKERFFELERS/ ETC. immediately excavated the hidden
  22. Yes mate seen it let's see what unfolds I'm going to copy and paste a theory just shortly that you can read over... brace yourself lol
  23. scotty12


    That will be Greb on our cases now lol
  24. Out of likes Mate ... but yeah I agree with you as much as I think humanity is on the brink of change for the better I wouldn't be sitting waiting on someone coming to save me you've still got to create your own path in life and if anything happens it's a bonus. I always say routine is key to retirement you need to have something worth getting up out of bed in the morning or a hobbie I'm ok on all those fronts. might even hire a body guard and take a visit to el Salvador lol
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