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Everything posted by scotty12

  1. They will be no one safe it's all show just now to show the corruption to the sheep in real time. all leads back to Ukraine war and bio labs
  2. Why do you think the pardons went back until 2014 mate ?
  3. scotty12


    Pots and pans lol
  4. scotty12


    That comment was a beauty and then you were spraffing on about Mexico you've been watching too much narcos on Netflix . Women and kids leave daily ahhahahah
  5. scotty12


    Polar opposites wee man I'm a wisdom of knowledge i tie yous up in knots with common sense and facts ( you should know after last night ) he ties yous up in knots with slavering that much shite until yous are that confused yous don't know if yous need a shite or a haircut
  6. You better watch their not dipping your wallet pal old habits die hard lol
  7. You've been rumbled pal , too much wacky backy frying your brain good night and god bless sweet cheeks
  8. LMAO! Tell me preacher WTF do you know about El Salvador outside of a news article? If you think it's now a safe country to visit/live in.... Book ya flights for a summer holiday, take the whole family! Before you jump back with some daft posts copied and pasted, think about first hand knowledge. Out of the mouths of people who happen to be from there (and surrounding countries) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ COME ON NOW your back tracking a little lol ^^ your barely tall enough to get on the pepsi max without being accompanied by an adult and you've just tried to dig m
  9. Well is it a safe place to travel Or not ??
  10. scotty12


    I was just thinking earlier aswell with those pics he put up that he has to be getting his meal plans from some spice boy instagram influencer it's all connecting now lol
  11. Which countries invaded Iraq ? Who took the poppies ? TikTok - Make Your Day VM.TIKTOK.COM
  12. You're telling us all it ain't safe you can't travel there ? Only copy and paste for basic info as I can't post any proper links on here maybe because the governments didn't actually want to eradicate the drugs when they are at the heart of making profit from it the cia are the biggest drug cartel in the world they dictate to the cartels in those countries
  13. If they can go from the most dangerous countries in the world to one of the safest it can be done else where. Anyways we haven't got long to wait sound the trumpets
  14. There's always solutions to problems. you just need proper law and order most people that commit crime and and most people in jails are from from deprived areas , what's the motive for committing crimes ? Money mostly trump will bring in a new financial system that will give everyone a fair chance of living a comfortable lifestyle no one will be poor again. so that eliminates a large chunk of crime right away then on the drugs side they will bring in a lot tougher sentences and follow through with them. Death sentences for drug dealers ! t
  15. scotty12


    Aye he's a natural god
  16. I've already stated months ago that he would be going after the cartels full scare war if yous paid attention yous be ahead of the news lol The USA is going to become a drug and crime free society cocaine/heroin ect supplies will be stopped and wiped of the streets ( same will happen in the uk trumps just leading the way ) these are going to be countries where it becomes safe again to raise your children and where women can once again walk down the street feeling safe. This all can't whilst cartel are smuggling drugs and children through the USA so they have be taken out no qu
  17. Telegram: Contact @theyorkshirelassnews T.ME Herridge decides that on the day Trump is inaugurated, she is going to be in GITMO, reporting on the... Military trials you say ? I wonder that's they could be for ?
  18. the private woman flogged her dog | By Cj | Facebook WWW.(!64.56:886 the private woman flogged her dog @mC HULLthat your dog getting schooled off a whippet lol
  19. Dip the dogs feet in petrol and your good to run Anywhere
  20. scotty12


    You defo sit down too pee lol
  21. Telegram: Contact @theyorkshirelassnews T.ME Boom. JFK, RFK, MLK assassination files incoming… H/T @TrueStormyJoe @chartpolski something you'll be anticipating jfk files to be opened up in the coming days
  22. scotty12


    Big halland carnivore weak specimen of a man lol
  23. scotty12


    Who's the best striker in the premier league ?
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