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Everything posted by scotty12

  1. Mind aj was the daddy on here a few months ago lol. That vaccine is really f***ing their heads up on here
  2. edecute us all then St George ? Yous English are the palestines of the western world no one wants anything to do with yous.
  3. Are you as thick as you look ( don't answer lol ) what's the last of the deep states strong hold answers on a post card ??? Isreal and Ukraine who's the media taking sides with ? Isreal and Ukraine Where's all the money and weapons getting sent to ? Isreal and Ukraine Whose governments are corrupt ? ours the same people that are aiding Isreal and Ukraine is Russia at war with the ordinary Ukrainian man or women ? No or they could have went in and tore the country to pieces
  4. Telegram: Contact @WW3INFO T.ME WW3 INFO – Belarusian president Lukashenko: The US is preparing to escalate tensions in... Tick tock tick tock
  5. Talking of Kate where has she been lately lol
  6. Says the man that was scared to open his gate and go a walk ... stay in your lane and get back on the tracks shadrack
  7. 1. it's not even real Jews occupying it right now 2. the Balfour declaration has come to an end 3 its full of pedos
  8. Middle East will escalate don't be surprised if you find Russia going in and helping them wiping out Israel I did say Palestine would get their land back and Isreal will be no more. Russia supposedly has 3 nuclear subs on the coats of the uk just now ( been noticing military helicopters flying over a lot more than normal recently) World war 3 nuclear stand off coming in . red October the hunters become the hunted
  9. At least someone's listening lol
  10. Was just talking to a man on site today about the very thing if I was starting out young again or single it would be a small bit of field or woodlands and one of those on it mate it's the way to go at the minute with the way things are. Look forward to see the process
  11. scotty12


    Lidl middle aisle on steroids
  12. Says the man that wants to pay more tax lol
  13. scotty12


    You'll get your solution in the next coming months it goes along the lines of 2 million Indictments for the uk alone international military courts some say there quick and effective and the outcome will be hung shot or jailed. This place is getting a make over form head to toe
  14. scotty12


    Now did someone mention that there would be compulsory constripton ...... maybe just maybe it might just be the straw that breaks the camels back
  15. scotty12


    So who you going to vote for ? incase you've never realised or no ones ever told you politicians lie to get your votes how do you think they get in on the first place by praying on the "gullible" wink wink
  16. scotty12


    Who you going to vote in ?? It's corrupt from head to toe politicians,army,police , judges, solicitors, social services, you could go on and on and on let's just say you did vote some one in what are they gonna change when the rest of the system is as bent as when you and your bf going dogging ??? f**k all absolutely f**k all
  17. scotty12


    Mate come on let's be serious a minute watch that video I just posted above and you're the only person I know that wants to pay more tax .... your tapped in the head
  18. scotty12


    TikTok - Make Your Day VM.TIKTOK.COM Nail on the head that video couldn't put it any better myself yet here we are wanting to vote for change of personnel ..... the definition of insanity is ??
  19. scotty12


    How can you vote in a rigged system ya maniac
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