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Everything posted by scotty12

  1. Same up here mate but these houses weren't part of the social houses these were bought outright new builds that's one site imagine how many other sites they are buying houses and filling them with Ukrainians
  2. There good sites if you have kids and such a difference from the likes of uk caravan parks ect the weather helps aswell
  3. Council have bought 2million worth of new build homes on the site I'm working on fully furnished them and filled with Ukrainians .... whilst the British public struggle making ends meet couldn't make it up if you tried
  4. I know I know lol but Katchum is definitely wanting a chocolate cake made for him lol
  5. Aye mate there's a few like that decent for the kids but can still go explore a bit of Italy aswell ect
  6. No mate just seen it the other day on tick tock mate looks decent though something for the kids but can also take yourself away for the day travelling about or whatever bets of both worlds. I have been at a euro camp in France when I was younger basically just a caravan park but it was shit hot compared to the uk especially with the weather out door swimming pools ect and loads to do nothing like compared to the uk
  7. Type in theme park Italy loads come up
  8. TikTok - Make Your Day VM.TIKTOK.COM Don't know what age your kids are mate but there's plenty of the likes in Italy like this have a look ?
  9. He burns 4500 calories a day with his fingers alone typing absolute shite all day lol
  10. Aye you've got your head screwed on mate that devil juice is no good for anyone. think you and walloper should put your differences a side get up for a day with him next season mooching about and you bake him a cake in return life's too short to be arguing over terriers
  11. There trying to organise a big match between 2 terriers , just the usual traveller call outs before anything happens standard procedures lol
  12. Wrong again CHIMP lol
  13. He's defo a closely line bred lol brother /sister mating
  14. He's a typical pig farmer always fulla shit lol
  15. aye very good if I wanted you to ask me questions I'd through you a nut CHIMP
  16. All will be revealed in the next month or two mate the viel is being lifted all corruption and crimes against humanity will come to the light
  17. Time will reveal all. The British establishment is a small and closed off shop they have every angle of corruption all sowed up on this island , they will always through the public a few bones here and there to keep them happy every now and again thinking someone's fighting their corner. hundreds and hundreds of years the establishment has had their way with corruption and people think some start up party are just going to roll up to show and just walk in and take over lol people need to start looking at the bigger picture and use logic
  18. Just a circus mate same play book all the time, good cop bad cop rinse repeat .
  19. Crimes against children.
  20. When all gets exposed in the open him and his associates have been up to disturbing crimes. remember it will always be us and them no matter how good a pantomime show they put onto the public eye birds of a feather flock together
  21. Good to see the lord shining his light on you again, back with a spring in your step my old son I was worried about you. have a blessed evening
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