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Everything posted by scotty12

  1. Your embarrassing yourself mate I genuinely don't mind you at all I think your eraticness is funny at times but you don't help yourself jumping down peoples throats all the time your like a wee spoiled child
  2. Doesn't help himself I scored that part out so people wouldn't laugh at him
  3. Because I wasn't want to fully embarrass you ya slavering gobshite haha your trying to preach too a man who has lived and breathed game dogs hahah you know as much as me about game staffys f**k ALL lol
  4. I'll see if he apologies first like a good little bhoy or I'll screenshot the messages and stick them up you'll get a right good giggle lol
  5. Yous don't want to be getting on bangers wrong side today lads I've already had threatening pms
  6. Be good for fishing lol
  7. Your already ahead of the game lol
  8. Aye that's spot on mate it's a date lol
  9. Correct sir m gifting his lucky straws too some Irish jenk bred dog who would have thought
  10. Correct pal only in the limelight to sell stuff which is nothing wrong with that each to their own . Id rather go about my business quietly I ain't in the dogs to be making money, if my bitch takes i will be selling any pups I've not gifted for modest working man prices none of this £1000 a pup nonsense it's a working mans sport after all
  11. Ideal some decent land down that way. im central mate right inbetween Edinburgh and glasgow get a few days sorted for next season I'll take you out on some land which are normally hassle free.
  12. What's wrong with mc like is he not worthy enough to be going out for a days coursing ? is RW some coursing royalty or celebrity that he's better than anyone sir m courses with now I think you've been a bit star struck from watching dvds get your tongue out his arss
  13. Your language is appalling at times for a respectable adult wash your mouth out with soap. You've been name dropping non stop then got caught out and started backtracking like a kindergarten kid lol
  14. he keeps his lucky straws for himself but seen a bitch that was worthy of him offering them to the man that owns the bitch was killing hares for fun easily one of the best they've seen supposedly ..... can you guesss the breed ?
  15. @mC HULLsince bangers is now denying knowing Paz Paz and only knows him from watching him on dvd. you've been out running with Paz Paz what breed did he want to use his lucky straws over ?
  16. Craig's asked if you to put the pedigree up if you can ?
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