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Everything posted by scotty12

  1. So we're all these top dogs past and present all having to kill the best hares constantly for around 6 mins ? even back when they was probably weren't even recording the time add in the factor of the lies that come out the mouths of coursing men those 6 min runs would turn into 15 mins
  2. So what is your bitch fast ? Slow ? Ain't got a great mouth ? Or is it only world beater dogs that kill 6 mins and yours is doing it regularly ? haven't ran on there don't know what time of year it was eithere
  3. Irish fast scatter bred to a full saluki form Ireland lol lol lol
  4. Grass is slowing the dog down never mind the hare lol
  5. Plenty good dogs from the past pal I like a dog with a bit of action in out on the field for enjoyment not to watch 6 min runs constantly. @Golyhe says the dogs were better a decade before blondie foxy dancer ect but weren't they dogs the start of the line mongrelly Lurchers put to saluki/ Salukis Lurchers yet the mongrelly lurchers are deemed not royalty enough these days. and as you say those dogs won the forley they had to win there own clubs competitions first then qualify for the forley like a champions league format he then goes on about slipping but didn
  6. Ffs Romeo dogs plough bashing what's your thoughts mc lol
  7. It's empty hasn't been audited since like 1976 lol you've a lot to learn my son it might be full again now though who knows ?
  8. Keeps his cards close to his chest.
  9. Top of the shop that breeding mate these pretenders are underestimating you
  10. What would Be your normal season bangers ?
  11. That's more like it kid chuck that other plodder you've got over bangers fence he will give it a good pet home
  12. You tell him bagers he thinks he's invented the wheel
  13. You defend your dogs more than you would your misses or kids ya mad man lol
  14. It was some speed I was looking for not a set of handbrakes lol
  15. Good going son well done. Need to get yourself a decent pair of lightweight boots rather than those daft Miendls lol
  16. 21 mile short of your normal days out happy days ... you put any away ?
  17. Just fling your Batman costume and sit and chill pal you deserve a day of rest
  18. Must have picked you up wrong mate hard to keep up with you at times . what's your plans for today
  19. Not a debate lol just a discussion between best mates. Wasn't on about your grandfather pal you were coming across like you and your uncles were down the pit
  20. Did the ankle hinder your Muay Thai career mate ? Or did you fight on through it
  21. Aye well that's not what we heard about yous jacking on the strike @WataWalloper uncle was one of the Scotsman's there on the strike and he confirmed yous did indeed jack
  22. Fair enough mate you jacked before the dog least your honest just like your relatives down the pit when they jacked on the strike for the miners
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