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Everything posted by scotty12

  1. been bit a few times off a pet rabbit not that long ago hare latches on to the dogs ear when it caught it
  2. was out last night trying to get a couple rabbits for the pup 5 police officers and a police dog GREAT BIT OF MONEY SPENT BY THE GOVERNMET
  3. measure him from the penis down to the bottum of his foot
  4. ffs .................?wats that pointed at ???
  6. where you from big boy ....im from central scotland if your close you could put him over her if you fancied am no fussed
  7. PRE BAN OF COURSE ......my dogs first real catch apart from 2 ferreted rabbits thy dont count tho anyways he is 13 months coming up 14 ......whippet greyhound x saluki greyhound caught it after about 40 seconds nice quick successful chase i got the dog from travellers who were not treating him good not enough excercise had him for about 3/4 weeks been geting him fit and learning him and hes coming on great heres a few pics my black and white dog in 1 of the pics is bull greyhound x collie greyhound 8 months
  8. just cut down an oak tree haha
  9. i have heard of this method and has worked with others ..........the way a done it was when she was 6months get my jacket put it over the fence so it cnt see through the fence but also covers the barb wire the dogs usualy climbs up and pushes off to start with and after a few days satrted jumping over the jacket now its jumping fences pretty easily most regular sized fences ......... but people have their own ways ....... GOOD LUCK HAPPY HUNTING
  10. is it easy 2 make those lures ive thought bout it but no got a clue where to start .
  11. cheers lads erm cheers lads was just wondering ma pups 7months jumping fences most high 1s for fun still a few shes unsure about ..... when yous starting youd pups then lads a year old yeah ????
  12. just wondering what age people start geting their dogs to start jumping fences ???? and any one know of any 1 selling a cheap lure or know where i could get 1 for my [bANNED TEXT] thanks
  13. i have had muckboots for over a year now comffy and warm ma mates moan about there feet being cold all the itme but mines are warm ......if looking for wellies thats what you should get ......but beware of brambles or barb wire as they can rip easy
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