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Everything posted by scotty12

  1. Scale its feet with the rim edge of the skip its balancing on
  2. I'm all for big cats being out their but anyone thinks that's one in that video needs their eyes testing certain camera angles can always make things look larger than they are it's the same with thermals at night certain angles can make things look larger than they are you can't use them as complicate evidence either the search continues ......
  3. You should open your own curry shop mate take all their custom hit them in the pockets
  4. Complaining about migrants but have the sacred curry bible in your home you can't be complaining about anything, your a traitor the the British people
  5. Wouldn't wear them to put the bins out haha
  6. Bananas and pyjamas trainers them bad boys haha
  7. Any one I've ever seen wearing the ea7 trainers are always roid heads with skinny T-shirts and sporting tribal tattoos , think when you buy your first course of roids you get a pair of those for free
  8. All you'd be missing is a skin type T-shirt and a tribal tattoo wearing those lol
  9. What level is he playing at now mate ?
  10. scotty12


    It's all on gods timeline We are in the final stages my man your mind will be blown soon enough.
  11. scotty12


    lol ain't got an interest in pyramids but our history has been a hell of a lie wait until people find out Edinburgh is really Israel and the uk is the holy lands that will get heads spinning. may god overlook and protect you as the truth sets you free
  12. scotty12


    All soft disclosure for the truth to be revealed about our true history just building a narrative for the sheep. there's meant to be bigger pyramids in Bosnia
  13. I bet his dog has put more hares to bed than yours lol
  14. He will be on soon enough too Confirm I'm sure he said he goes to Pilates class with the girls on a Thursday evening no be long until he's back
  15. You can always tell a spice boy a mile away lol
  16. You'd just need to make it into a ring and wear it on your finger for it to become a cock ring lol
  17. Correct but his public profile is getting used too send a message to the working class, at this stage in the game the native people have to fix this mess by hook or by crook
  18. 3s more than plenty son, still plenty fun to be had
  19. Breeding for you mate you just hope all the good attributes can click together. you getting rid of your birch and getting something else in or keep on running what you've got for a few years ?
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