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scotty12 last won the day on November 9

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About scotty12

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    Extreme Hunter

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  1. My sincere apologies the site had to be shut down on my behalf for international security measures by the white hats I got carried away and giving out too much classified information to soon before I was meant too, the white hats have gave me a briefing on what I can and can't say during certain aspects of the operation. We are still on course for entering the new golden generation first of all fasten your seatbelts as things are about to get bumpy Ps. elvis is dead
  2. Meant to have had them for years mate old technology to the military/ new technology to us in the public kinda like thermal imagers we are all using the last few years for hunting they had them 30/40 year ago in the military
  3. Rumour has it there drones that detect nuclear substances they were planning a mass nuclear attack on their own people in the USA and then blame it on Russia/iran ( another 9/11) trump has already said the military/government know what they are so if they were that much of a threat they would have been shot down by now I would have thought.
  4. What's the substance ? You've lost me just thought she looked good for her age that's all 62 and looks a lot younger
  5. Is That her in one of those pics ?
  6. Elvis is alive and trump will sign in a law so when certain celebrities who faked their death don't get hounded by the media etc when they come back in the public eye
  7. Operation fountain pen ..... go look who got taken down in that operation
  8. @THE STIFFMEISTERwho was that women your wife was saying she's wasn't convinced about it being that person again what was her name ?
  9. You've a lot to learn in your later years my old china. it's going to be biblical
  10. What would he look like now mate ?
  11. Sure seems a weird law to be introducing
  12. Does he sound like elvis ? Is bob joyces wife elvis's ex girlfriend ? does he have one leg shorter than the other like elvis ? does he have the same hand actions and mannerisms as elvis ? does he have the same gap in his teeth like elvis ? was bob joyce seen at Lisa Marie's private funeral ? Has bob Joyce been seen at Graceland numerous times ? has bob joyce been at trumps maralago gala dinners the last few months ? pastor bob joyce was on the George magazine recently who founded the George magazine
  13. Doctor : roll your sleeve up we will inject your with another vaccine
  14. What's the reasons for thinking he's not ?
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