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lee micheal kennels

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Everything posted by lee micheal kennels

  1. fairplay lad done [bANNED TEXT] thing by the dog ...sorry for ur loss
  2. Ginger women goes 2 doctors bout a rash on her fanny....doc asks how often do u have sex? once a year she replies...! doc says thats not a rash love ...its f*****g rust!!!!!
  3. no one said u lied bout how long it took was not even talking to u welsh69...it looks good job
  4. nice terriers ..my lot would be killing each other if tried get pic like that..
  5. ah it wouldnt cost tat much long time since u got a tat..
  6. wel its a subject that comes to us all.do we keeep till they die,do we put them down ? are they pets or are they tools for the job.. each to they own i guess but for me a working terrier life is so full ,and i couldnt let one stay in kennels day in day out,, wanting to go but you know you cant take it.some times its best to put they welfare firstbefore what you may think is best for them.how many of you lads on here would want to spend your last days in some nureing home,? think about what they done for you,the good days you had with them ,but please treat them with the respect that they deser
  7. first of all i take offence as to what my username may refer to , so what your saying is you have a proven working terrier that you work on game above ground ?? if usernames refered to what people are, then what does that make you ? i recall in one of your post you wanted to know what a lump under the dogs chin was, that about sums up all i need to know about what experience you have in the digging game, as for how long am i in the game, you keep putting up your brian plummer posts,( fiction with a large fantasy content) and you will see. sum thing stinks of anti 3 ative posts and 3 day
  8. sorry 2 hear that. and you will find u will nver have another rusty great dog never forget my first day out with fatman geat dig to rusty deaf and blind giving it hell some dog mini weaton heart of a lion..mad as his owner..and see many more digs to the dog over the next cpl season cheers lads
  9. i agree witn you boss far to many dogs sold on as workers and arent worth petrol money to collect the curs.. but i have to say just imo that you give them a fair chance to show there worth keeping and if the do they will be kept good work for as long as there willin to do there job,,, R.i.p RUSTY THE OLD WARRIOR I would love to have a kennell full like old rusty,at least he died after he was bred to do,and boy did he do it well.Had no respect for any quarry. yeah i liked hes style ha id love just one like him meself great oul dog i only seen him close to the end,,but still one of best
  10. sum you can bring them early but 7 months grand age..you no when ur terriers ready to start..all the best with them
  11. i agree witn you boss far to many dogs sold on as workers and arent worth petrol money to collect the curs.. but i have to say just imo that you give them a fair chance to show there worth keeping and if the do they will be kept good work for as long as there willin to do there job,,, R.i.p RUSTY THE OLD WARRIOR
  12. i know where most of their yards are, i check them regular, garda aint good for nothing. thats true f*****g garda...hope u have luck
  13. meself and wipeout got one to ground one day many moons ago..he had his das english bull x kerryblue out that day shud see if hes any pics of her cracker
  14. they look great would love couple of them on the fire place ...if i had a fire place.. but great pieces
  15. yeah i agree the epsom salts is great stuff,,,i use tat in the tub meself :stinker: That's not all you use in the tub you dirty little man,so wipeout told me. ha ha smell of hay off yea's
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