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lee micheal kennels

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Everything posted by lee micheal kennels

  1. plenty of time for her still a pup..try getting her out for few rats first bring her on a bit
  2. ah cant wait the two pups are only 13 months so roll on september nice terriers pal...
  3. hes real old school type the way i like em...they r few and far between these days do u still have em
  4. where are your pics of your dogs doing some proper work?? don't have any dont have any pics or dont have any terriers
  5. i just chop them meself litter here as soon as 2 days there docked done and dusted id just do them say nothing
  6. ah u must have got him a job pulling a cart!!!!!!!!!! coz theres not much work for him unless ur from finglas :tongue2: nice dog
  7. best :thumbs: advice u cud get fairplay
  8. the dukes not right yet for rossi....stoners back to his best but rossi pedrosa and jorge lorenzo are streets ahead of the game last year was better racing..this years yet to impress
  9. I know that Scottish Gaelic and Irish Gaelic are similar but does that translate as "Our day will come my friend"? cheers Callum sa ta se .....big skull nil sin deas i didn"t fheadfadh aon u labhairt na heireann boss...nil fada
  10. :notworthy: PADDY sharing a cell with big black guy...the black guy whips out his cock bangs it off the bed!!!!!!!bed breaks.....bangs it off the toilet bowl!!!!!! smashs that....he truns to paddy and says im GOIN TO STICK THIS UP UR ASS!!!!!!!!! PADDY says thank f**k thought you were going to hit me with it...................
  11. I know that Scottish Gaelic and Irish Gaelic are similar but does that translate as "Our day will come my friend"? cheers Callum sa ta se .....big skull nil sin deas i didn"t fheadfadh aon u labhairt na heireann boss...nil fada
  12. I know that Scottish Gaelic and Irish Gaelic are similar but does that translate as "Our day will come my friend"? cheers Callum sa ta se .....big skull nil sin deas i didn"t fheadfadh aon u labhairt na heireann boss...nil fada
  13. Good way to introduce yourself make out you know more than half the people on here ha ha yeah great start try prove ur not anti why would u start like tat what happened to good old intro HELLO ALL
  14. sad loss for his family and friends,,,but not as a minister cud think of few more that we could do without
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