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Johnny Vegas 1

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About Johnny Vegas 1

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 17/04/1969

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  1. Still got your snuggie and cow shaped slippers u bum

  2. hi new to poultry but hatched a few chicks 4 weeks ago,just wondering how long are they going to need chick crumb any help much appreciated.
  3. the only man i know that got a bigger nose than is cock!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. better looked after lol,anybody who dont do the above dont deserve dogs mate.clean mine out twice a day,and walk them twice a day also work them hard in winter plus they get tripe in morn and afternoon.and they are in galv runs but sleep in a palace.wormed every 6 weeks does tha make me better than you,personally i dont think so each to their own if you are getting slaged off here if i was you id put it down to jelouse people.
  5. only man tha works puganises

  6. sounds like yo had a good night, just goe's to show there just as average as most the crap bred out there. well done lads thats the most she,s ever caught, she has plenty of stamina she had about 50 runs,i was saying to trigger i wish we had fence hoppers greyhound we would have probably got a new record
  7. go bak 2o skwl yuo thik cnutz i think its u that needs 2 back school look at that above sounds [bANNED TEXT] not spelt [bANNED TEXT] :kiss: i think bobby2 said they will run any of their dogs single handed,for money anybody taken them up on this then.
  8. why would you want to own anybdody else's dog,if you do in my eyes your doin something wrong.
  9. good read that lol bit silly but enjoyed it, can vouch for a certain person but il keep that to myself.few arseholes commented but there you go we aint all perfect.
  10. but you enjoy it mate thats why we do it
  11. dai you got it made up there fella lucky b*****d,you missing these welsh hills yet en lol good bag also mate.
  12. pic of roxy dam saluki x grey bull grey sire first x wheaton grey comong up 7 months old 21 tts.
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