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Ray Mears

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Everything posted by Ray Mears

  1. Ferreting newbie as stated I am more than willing to read and learn from books I am in no hurry at all. But I also know I could learn more in a morning out with a bloke with 10 or more seasons under his belt than I will reading a book about a wonder dog. It's all about respect for me mate how the f**k can I enter a dog into something that I have a lack of knowledge and tools to deal with the situation that's not how I role. And I wouldn't dream of entering a dog until I had ability and knowledge to get the job done quickly, safely and humanly. As I said in my first post I am only thinking abo
  2. It strikes me as a lot of talk about helping the sport out and bringing lad's into different aspects of working dogs but no one is willing to show any f****r the ropes but as soon as someone post's "first dig" all the expert's come out the woodwork. You shouldn't do that do it this way that's wrong or dangerous etc. It isn't a massive problem as I am more than willing to go by trail and error and research. People willing to slate people rather than educate them and pass on knowledge sad sad times.
  3. I was wondering if anyone could help me out I am 25 I have been working lurchers since I was 16 but never really been into terriers until I brought a pup today. I intend to use the pup in time for a bit of bushing for the lurcher. How ever if the dog ever decides to go to ground I would like to have an adequate amount of knowledge tobe able to deal with the situation and who knows maybe get a passion for digging like I have my lurcher work. I live in the west midlands (bewdley) and are really looking for some experienced chaps who could possibly take me out and show me the ropes and the do's
  4. I will have the pup if it's still needing a home I have dropped you a pm will collect tomorrow. please get back to me ASAP cheers and all the best
  5. accident waiting to happen a brittle 6 month old pup running alongside a fully grown dog it only takes one sharp turn for them to come together and it could be the end before it even began.
  6. whoever started there pup at 6 months old needs to give there head a wobble. the dog is still a pup its 6 months old LET IT BE A PUP. you say your trying to teach it to sit,stay,retrive, and he does this when he wants.... and on top of learning how to do this your taking him out and slipping him on rabbits? its a bit much for a 6 month old dog if he only retrives when he wants whats going to happen when he catches his first rabbit?. that's when bad habbits start get the basics nailed before you even think about slipping him. hold the pup back let it mature there isn't a rush the summer wou
  7. worst thing that happened to this country was Hitler not winning the war
  8. hopefully there will be as i find all his books a great read, maybe drop him a message and ask the man himself
  9. 35 pound posted please pm cheers
  10. Have you tryed them flats tapered? I can tell you dub dub orange wont fire 12mm lead very far :whistling: I would sooner get squares they last far longer too ..There are loads of elastic's to try, not all suit everyone they are tapered mate i just aint one for flats. i will have a go at a few see what works best for me
  11. i will be trying a few anyway the flatbands just aint for me. i cant hit a cows arse with them
  12. what size ammo you using?? i will be using 12mm lead.
  13. heard good things about the dub dub (green) i think it was. i will drop you a pm brassneck cheers! http://www.milbroproshotuk.com/html/products/accessories.html link from above
  14. Alright lads I was wondering if anyone could help me. I am new to catapults only started a month or two back I have on my current setup double therabands and I cant get along with them at all. A freind I go out with let me have a go with his milbro with some 6mm square bands and I was 10 times better and it suited me perfect. But will these bands be powerfull enough to kill game with 12mm lead? I have no idea how much fps they are putting out. I are buying these ready made from http://www.milbropro...ts/accessories. They are called "traditional bands" on that page. If anybody can recommend an
  15. THEY ALL ROB YOU depends on how much you value your lifstyle, if you dont get one and they decide to throw the book at you it could be anything from a fine, banned from driving, banned from keeping dogs. could end up losing your job because of it that ends up in bills being unpaid and up shit creek quicker then you knew what hit you. cant you get insured these days fo something like 30 quid?? and that cover if your ever taken to court etc.
  16. :laugh: you walk about with a rabbit tied to your dogs collar
  17. i sold up and joined the army and what a mistake it was. i did 3 years without a dog then ended up based in germany were me and a mate ended up getting a few dogs and doing abit over there. thats when i thought f**k the army i cant live like this anymore and i come out 3 months later. but i hadnt got a family to support or anyone depending on me. its alright everyone sitting here here saying dont do it, it only takes once to get caught to be out of a job, out of money, in debt, and the list goes on mate but once your in its hard to get out no matter what the punishment is belive me.
  18. buttermilk... ffs ye musta chatted some shit if ye that ashamed of it this was a friends account until about 3 years ago
  19. forgot it needs to be a bull x doing everything single handed to be game... wrong again, keep trying.... or i could exlplain it to ye if ye like, i wouldnt mind doing that for ye..... would ye like me to try??? i was after a bite off you if i am honest shoulda asked nicely then have to wind somebody else up now
  20. forgot it needs to be a bull x doing everything single handed to be game... wrong again, keep trying.... or i could exlplain it to ye if ye like, i wouldnt mind doing that for ye..... would ye like me to try??? i was after a bite off you if i am honest
  21. forgot it needs to be a bull x doing everything single handed to be game...
  22. ye seriously talk some shite fella yes seen it all to often....."you want to come and run some deer got a proper deer dog here" why yes of course you have. ye seriously talk some shite fella yes seen it all to often....."you want to come and run some deer got a proper deer dog here" why yes of course you have. A f*****g lurcher running and pulling a cwd is NOT game ye tit ffs are ye really that stupid or are ye on a wind up not just cwd the fallow are the stuff that seperates a roe or a cwd dog from a "deer dog" but cant you have a game dog thats just a rabbit do
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