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About l2a2mlam

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  1. pleased to hear that you have got him back
  2. sorry to hear that you came home to that. if they are admitting that their dog did the deed then you should be able to get some sort of compensation from them, possibly? Not sure if what they are saying is the truth but many years ago we used to have a GSD that loved to scale our 8ft fence to go and chase the airplanes taking off and landing at the local RAF base, so it could possibly have gotten over, but as to how lucky it was to open the hutch up also. Well you may never know the full truth.
  3. all the best for a full and speedy recovery
  4. hope she enjoys her remaining years in her new home
  5. good to hear that things are looking up for the fella
  6. I take my hat off to the two lads in the video, the way they kept their cool and showed the patience to try to explain what they where doing and why was brilliant PR for what themselves. :thumbs-up: And as for those behind the camera, like others have said they were probably hoping that the lads would kick off on one to prove what supposed nasty pieces of work all of those that take part in any form of hunting are to all of the antis that would then see the video. Keep up the great work lads.
  7. I use the liquid as a bribe/ treat when I need the ferrets distracted to do something such as trim their nails. All of my lot go potty for it and stay still whilst lapping it up. Do not use it on a regular basis as a supplement so couldn't say that it makes any difference to mine healthwise.
  8. Not sure whether these following links will help but these are recent threads on different litters and kits with no tails. http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/index...howtopic=112260 http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/index...howtopic=113205
  9. I would be tempted to say hold on and get your other little un sorted first before going and getting more. It should be ok for a little while without a mate if you are spending the time with it.
  10. if they were the ones used in the labs to help produce the vaccine then yes they will be immune now :piggy: :piggy:
  11. I am not sure on how common it is for them to become anaemic if left in so no help to you there. Some vets are happy to spay them when they are in season but I think the majority prefer to do it when they are not. Some people go along the route of jill jab to bring them out and then have them done after once the swelling has gone down. The jab that my vet used is the same one that they use on dogs to bring them out of season so it isn't specific to ferrets. One heck of a difference on quotes from the vets for having it done though!
  12. I think that when you are new to ferret keeping this is the thing you hear you must do or like you say your ferret will die. But saying that both of the vets I spoke to also said that it was not good for the health of the ferret to stay in season. Then of course when the newbie speaks to other people and the subject comes up again this 'very important' piece of info is bought up. I think it is like a game of chinese whispers . I will admit that this is the first place that I have heard that it does not need to be done.
  13. one of the vet practices charges £16.50 and the other one charges £26 both of them include consultation fee
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