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Everything posted by oohmydog

  1. There are 14 contenders for the oldest breed of dog that have the most common genetic fingerprint to wolves they are Afghan hound ,Alaskan malamute ,Akita ,Basenji ,Chow Chow ,Lhasa Apso ,Pekingese ,Saluki ,Samoyed , Shar pei ,Shiba inu ,Shih tzu ,Siberian husky ,Tibetan terrier with DNA these tests were only carried out 4 years ago
  2. I hope that the rat pack is ready when b*****ds bubble bursts RATS FROM A SINKING SHIP COMES TO MIND
  3. Rabbit Skin Glue, is refined rabbit collagen you can still buy it today and as been a important artists covering ,must of the famous oil paintings have been coated in it to stop the paint from cracking
  4. In England in 1590 villagers were paid 2 shillings for killing an otter they also got 2/6d for sparrow heads weasels and stoats royalty also give ferrets as presents to farmers
  5. Sorry for going of thread turbotyke get the yellow pages and ring a professional
  6. Twist your words? Lets just look again at your original post: What you suggested is illegal. Then you say: Which looks to the casual reader like you know of no other way to start off a terrier..... Now you are suggesting that: How? I've done many 'mornings ratting', and I can't remember ever having to break the law to do it. I have had many mornings ratting, if you have a rat up a stop end or 4 5 or evan a dozen rats all backed up ,you have young dogs and you let them have a look does this then become baiting or let me guess you would wait for th
  7. To the first part of your post NO i don,t to the second part of your statement i think if you quoted the law ,to the word on a mornings ratting you would find you brake the law quite a lot if you want a discussion thats fine but dont try and twist my words
  8. Please share this lawfull way you have in bringing your pups on
  9. It is illegal to release any captured animal (including rats) for a waiting dog to kill. Beat me to it! James take it you don,t have any dogs , when you dig a rat out do you let your dog drag it from the stop end and kill it let a pup have a look or stand back and let it run ,its not a political subject bringing working pups on you do what you can to help them learn with as little cruelty as possible .
  10. Buy a cage trap bait it with some dog biscuits catch the rat take it to a field with a young dog shake rat out of trap and release your dog {don,t forget to give it a few yards grace}if the dog does not show any intrest try it again but take a gun as well
  11. The welsh terrier is most probably the oldest breed of terrier in the country ,it is known to have existed since the 14th century a letter wrote by someone tells of a black and tan dog with a ginger belly used to hunt badger and fox
  12. The dachshund, aka Badger hound is thought to belong to the terrier group of dog and not the hound ,they were hunted in a pack and converged down the setts in there dozens until Herman turned up with the spade?in the wild west the Americans bred a very small strain of dachshund and worked them on prairie dogs and rabbit
  13. The Bloodhound is the shortest lived breed of dog, out of 100 dogs the average age reached was 6 3/4 ,with one dog reaching 12yrs ,the sense of smell is formidable they can pick up a sent that's 3 days old
  14. The pike spawns over 1.2 million eggs in a season and out of them only 2 or 3 will make it past 5 yrs old a survey was carried out and found the main reason of death was predation and starvation
  15. Got some Rapala scales had them 5 yrs and they are still very accurate
  16. Great glad there home save and sound can you name and shame the scum that took them and may be slip some imformation on were they are
  17. The otter hound is one of the most endangered breeds of dog in the uk with only 38 pups being registered in a 12 month period they don,t make good pets {is this what the future holds for the beagle and fox hound )???
  18. No one said it was unusul it was a observation ,i think there feeding on the grass seed as well as other things ?
  19. give it ago dont use lots of decoys
  20. The waterloo cup held the record for the biggest outside gathering of people at a sporting event in the late 19th century, people flocked to see the dogs ,master magrath and fullerton they are the must famous winners of the blue ribbon of coursing Master magrath won the cup 3 times and fullerton 4 times
  21. The first known coursing club was formed in 1776 in swaffham (all the English blood lines and history gone forever so some cheap b*****d could say they sorted the argument out for good ,they make me piss )
  22. Dont sell your fishing kit you will regret it later
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