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Everything posted by oohmydog

  1. When you are out rabbiting and you come across black rabbits ,they are a throw back to when the warreners were at work, they used to introduce black rabbits so if they were to disappear predators or poachers were in the area, we have come across them all over the country
  3. Its the rat attack smoker from arthur carter mate. My one packed up on me after one season They come with 12 months parts warranty see if they can fix it ,worth a try
  4. Two men hung for poaching and 11 others jailed ,this was the end when keepers and poachers met on a frosty evening The Berkley castle poaching affray 1816
  5. There are only 22 registered packs of harriers in the UK just after the war there were 120 packs,they are mistaken a lot for fox hounds but are more like the beagle standing around 21 inch to the shoulder they used to hunt hare pre ban but still can be joined for a walk with in the law, it can be good fun if there is a pack near you try it
  6. This week they have released 50.0000 young eels into a river complex in the north to try and regenerate stocks it is estimated that the european eel population as dropped by 95%
  7. In 1800 there were 15 designated breeds of dog and by 1850 there were 50
  8. This as got to take the biscuit a man who would let all the illegals stay 700,000,0 (my arse) they don't no ,is f*****g about like a world states man when there is more people live in Manchester than voted for them what a prick :wankerzo4:
  9. CLARISA the record carp caught by Richard Walker in redmier pool in the 1950s was 44lb its capture formed the base for modern carp fishing and tackle she died in regents park zoo aged 36 which is young for a carp
  10. Asaying i was told years ago WHEN BEERS IN WHITS OUT sorry about the anckle whats a stead head The worse night of my life was wakeing up with a polish prostatute called SLOBBERDOWN MI COCKUBITCH in mums house
  11. Had a couple of days were i could,nt miss but a few were i struggled to get any kind of consistency i shoot on my own and i think its all on the day
  12. The stag beetle is one bad arse insect ,i was fishing one day and saw one killing a maggot i had dropped ,i threw 3 or 4 at a time and it killed them all until i got bored ,IF YOU TYPE .GLADIATER BUGS. INTO GOOGLE AND WATCH ,you could bet on the outcome if bored, ignore the jap,theres a few intresting matches on there BRING ON THE BUGS
  13. A little bit of intresting or not so interesting facts about hunting or something related, a snippet of information can brighten your day ,no book mate just me and 4000 views IF IT MAKES YOU THINK ITS WORTH IT
  14. Most horse racing tracks that date back to the 19th century started there life of as a coursing club
  15. My hero was in the 8th army he was part of a team with a mobile anti tank gun he came back after the war with a finger missing and nearly deaf ,he could not settle, and in school holidays would pick me up in is morris traveler and head for Scotland he would put night lines out for fish and at first light we would be cooking what he had caught or we had fried spam all done on a paraffin stove i love spam and sea trout buttys
  16. Some of the land i shoot is organic veg there is a grass strip about 10 yards wide not direct on the flight line ,sometimes were i put the hide might be near 5 lots of different crops planted tight together ,i decoy the grass strip using around 10 full bodied and a a couple of loft poles when they come some times they split up ,when the purple sprouting is in season the flocks triple in size it looks like they come to the grass because of the choice i would say at a guess im a couple of hundred yards from the night line ?
  17. Managed to get a break and am going carping on the river (in june) recommend a good book if you would ,it dose not have to be about hunting or fishing just a good read cheers
  18. Just came up on sky web site i dont no how to paste it up its a good read
  19. A sniper from Cheltenham Glos as broken the world record for long range kills .He shot 2 taliban machine gunners from 1.5 miles away the shots took 3 seconds to hit there targets
  20. The horse evolved on the American continent around 60 million years ago and died out ,they were re-introduced by the Spaniards when they discovered the Americas The tallest horse recorded was a horse called Samson it was over 21 hands high A mule (donkey x horse )is usually naturally sterile Arabian horses have one less rib than any-other A Thoroughbred horse can run 4 miles at a average speed of 39 mph
  21. A Muslim man as walk free from court after vandalising a war memorial ,i really dont think that they wont be able to walk down the street soon before they are assaulted ,in some muslim countrys they would publicly execute you if the act was carried out there,what is going on in the judges mind is something else most probably a liberal( there ,there dont do it again out of touch rich twat)
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