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Everything posted by oohmydog

  1. The problem i have is how do you name and shame the ones who live among us but want to see us dead but live our hand outs and send some abroad to help kill our soldiers
  2. BBC reporters spent the night with the Taliban setting road side bombs ,and in a interview with there leader ,he said that by far the biggest fundraisers and donations were from British muslims and if it was not for them they would not be able to by guns and explosives most of the so called militants are on benefits so we are effectively buying them.cant see how you can have time to plan terror attacks and fund raise and work as well .IS IT ME OR AM I MISSING SOMETHING
  3. £250 fine and banned for 5 years keeping pets as justice been done .What do you think
  4. Its not a shame, it had a long and famous life...it was hooked more times than the local smack head, its a wonder it survived till now. A human fed boily muncher, which brought satisfaction to folk who like to fished for a named fish....A shame is when a very big fish that goes unnoticed all its life and dies with out getting the recognition it deserved. Like the many many big fish in loches and loughs around the british isles... Fishing made easy, for the TOP anglers of the country. Who all drive to the same place, and all fish for the same fish..... 20+mile long waters all the way is
  5. Ticks are around in greater numbers than ever, they are the ultimate parasite they wait in the grass for some warm blooded animal to pass then jump aboard and feed and breed earth dogs and ferrets can get infected very quickly they must be removed as soon as you feel them, check your charges regular
  6. Many years ago they used urine to cure leather which coined to sayings used today If your family pissed in a pot and took it to the tannery for a few pence you were called PISS POOR. If your family could not afford a pot you ,Didnt have a pot to piss in .
  7. Its been a very good breeding season for the English partridge
  8. The biggest fish to be caught in a British river is a 64lb salmon from the river Tay ,it could have been beaten when to anglers caught a cat fish from the river Thames which bottomed a set of 60lb scales ,cat fish experts thought it was 65lb plus .Wow
  9. TSAVO MANEATERS,To mane-less lions killed and ate over 35 workers of a railway in the 1860s both lions were shot the first took 5 shots of a 303 lee en-field to stop it ,the second also took 5 shots from the same gun 3 weeks later ,both lions were over 9 feet long they can be seen in the field museum of natural history in Chicago,the number of people killed but not eaten by the lions is thought to be much higher
  10. Deadliest creatures to humans Insect mosquito ,Domesticated ,Dog ,Wild ,King cobra
  11. There are Lions main jellyfish appearing in the sea of Cornwall ,they are very venomous ,if stung you can suffer seizures or unconscious -ness these are the real deal so if your a surfer be careful
  12. At work today i walked round the corner of a building and a sparrowhawk took a green finch at full speed a few feet from my face everything about it was awesome the speed and power ,i did,nt have time to cover my face or close my eyes before it was over and the hawk was being mobbed by what seemed to be at least 40 odd other birds,
  13. In 1975 a Griffin vulture was sucked into a jets engine flying at a height of 39,700.00 feet this is the highest any bird as been known to fly
  14. The rarest creature in the world is the pintain tortoise aka lonesome George he was discovered in the 1970s and there is a reward of $10,000 dollars if anybody can find a female Experts think of all the creatures on earth the ones who still have more species to be discovered is the SHARK
  15. The Gold crest is Britain and Europes smallest bird a adult wieghs in at 5 grams The Fire crest runs a very close second
  16. oohmydog


    A man on a long haul flight noticed the beautiful young women sitting next to him was reading a book titled STRANGE BUT TRUE SEXUAL FACTS Intresting.he asks. Yes ,she replies,For instance did you know that the American Red Indian has the longest penis in the world and the Irishman has the thickest. Oh Im sorry she continued,my name,s Helen and yours? TONTO O CONNOR he replied
  17. There as never been evidence to proof the GREAT WHITE shark is swimming in the waters of Britian ,all supposed sightings and dolphin and seal carcases have been discredited by experts ,scientists believe it is only a matter of time before they turn up as the water temperatures are perfect for them ,It is also beleived that they are now less great whites than tigers on the planet
  18. The common buzzard numbers have exploded in recent years to the extent that nobody's sure how many there are and why they are doing so well
  19. There are more people kicked to death by donkeys ,than are killed by sharks every year
  20. We know most of it please go away bloody hell The hunting life forum as a spokes man for everybody dont read it if your a fountain of knowledge
  21. The bar tailed godwit is the longest flight bird ,it migrates 7000 miles over the pacific with out stopping ,the flight takes 6 to 8 days
  22. Myth! Give us some facts ,it could be a myth ,the areas that i no the black rabbits are ,seem to be on or in the area of the old managed warrens in the north and south of the country
  23. this will only help on the short term as all common eels are born in the Sargasso sea The elvers that were released were born in the Sargasso sea and will go there to breed and then return (that's the plan anyway)
  24. The adder as the best venom injecting mechanism of all snakes ,it is over 20 years ago since anyone died of a adder bite in the uk ,they are very active in the spring
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