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Everything posted by oohmydog

  1. Very nice stamp ,but not a sign of work on any of them
  2. Egypt as finally gained its place in the Guinness world records by having Half a million people throwing stones for 3 days at the same time ??
  3. This is true while me and the misses were watching the blair witch project, half way through she said .What kind of battery have they got in the camcorder ours only lasts 30 mins ? didnt you tell her it wasnt a real documentry.
  4. Are years shorter where your from? They dont feel it and they seem to go alot faster
  5. This is true while me and the misses were watching the blair witch project, half way through she said .What kind of battery have they got in the camcorder ours only lasts 30 mins ?
  6. why on earth would you leave the traps down for two weeks ???????????? thats alot of time and effort how do you charge atb
  7. Years ago we had a couple of different sets of tongs the round end that fit like a collar and a flat set ,but the best was a gadget called a snatcher,it was 100% affective didn't do any harm and made things alot easier to handle for moving and releasing and you could use it 7 days a week 352 days a year it never tired atb
  8. I miss it with a passion (miss all coursing under rules)it was the same week as my birthday and been going for 40 years . What a shame
  9. I started a rumor that i had a 12 inch penis i get a lot of pms
  10. There is something very scary about this ,if you think your a good judge of character how would you start with who did this ?
  11. Paddy, happy new year all this shite when one phone call would of done atb
  12. If mike brown wanted to course his whippets at a NCC meet, or should i say some of his whippets he would not be allowed ,this as nothing to do with breeding good working dogs ,some things are there to make everybody equal at a coursing meet ,were there could be a lot of money changing hands .The stud register is there to stop people running a bit of something different i now there is some missing information in the register that some people would like to fill the missing bits in but it as not been forthcoming ,Nothing against the lad and i now that he as bred a good few workers but sometimes
  13. Nice post ,there is a ferret rescue centre in south cheshire google them they might have them ,if there ferreted rabbits bird of prey centers or lads with em they pay as well
  14. Cant help you with that one, but watched beyond river cottage this morning and he shot a roe buck and made a pate with the liver it looked easy to make and really tastie
  15. Shredded paper in the bed works for me ,sorry you lost a couple
  16. Did anybody find out were it had taken them ???
  17. I have had 3 dogs i bet your dogs couldnt live with what a thing to say baldockbank, deep down you no your wrong and i have the best lurchers in the world .oh and we are on about rescue dogs are the centers busy round your way
  18. well said they are a monie making racket as for the man with the power to no what a man as had in is kennels without knowing them ,don,t talk like a prick and go work on your ego
  19. people who have a high turn over of dogs never have anything decent . and never will. i look at some girls with 3or 4 dogs on the fields shitting every were and think if it was £50 a year for a dog license in 10 years time there wont be many need rescuing ,it would have to be enforced like the council traffic wardens do with the parking The folk you normally see with a pack of dogs are women ,go to any lurcher show in the country and it will be full of women with rescued lurchers and when they bite you the women say im ever so sorry it was rescued they have 10 of the fuckers in a van
  20. people who have a high turn over of dogs never have anything decent . and never will. i look at some girls with 3or 4 dogs on the fields shitting every were and think if it was £50 a year for a dog license in 10 years time there wont be many need rescuing ,it would have to be enforced like the council traffic wardens do with the parking
  21. Went to go with my local pack a while back and there was a old girl walking up the road ,and to say we were having some weather is a understatement,i recognized her as a foot follower and stopped, we were a good 3 mile from the meet and she explained her daughter was ridding the grand national winner from a few years previous out with the hounds she is 73 and walked a fair old way after a piece of cake and some port she was of again .Nothing but respect for ladys like that
  22. Had 18 different 20lb ers from the rivers and 9 from the pits over the last 15 years every time i go i want to catch the biggest fish ,dont get me wrong i love it but i now there are 30s were im fishing but my nearest is 26 good luck and stay warm
  23. The working terrier as lost a champion of its cause ,RIP
  24. When you have limited space to keep your dogs ,a terrier is a very versatile partener ,i used mine for knocking the birds in every morning before a shoot and they loved it and did a great job,mind you no where the badgers live
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