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Everything posted by oohmydog

  1. Had the pleasure of meeting a lot of lads in the valleys round Rossendale who worked piles week in week out ,very good terrier men with some special dogs no fuss and plenty of results using gun or lurcher ,you get to know the places you work and when it comes to danger over all rescued a few dogs from earths because of cave inns and a few out of piles which can be heavy work none of its for the faint hearted but like anything else it gets easier if you have the right tools ,I would never turn a dog in without a collar known lads pull piles to bits and the dog as been out for a few days in the
  2. Is there anybody had there dog have to be dug out because of the collar being caught up in a rock pile ? Once we moved some stone and found that Charlie had a full earth dug in to the bank which the pile had been tipped it held foxes for years
  3. Had a dog caught threw the collar on a root 5ft deep in a earth but never a problem in rocks
  4. Spent many a hour waiting for a bolt from a pile ,but I have never turned a dog in anywhere with out a collar on since they were invented not sure about hoping you hear them ,I like the black and tans PK very nice stamp
  5. There a lot of lads over face a young dog and judge it before its really mature and still learning its way ,if you are working terriers you know the small satellite earths round your permission and were the main places are stick to the small spots with a young an look after them and they will hold, dig them to death and they are gone forever so get as much permission as you can and keep the game in your and the dogs favour sit on your hands and let them work as long as possible and hopfully you will get a warrior that when 3.7 pops up on your box you and your mate have the confidence in the do
  6. Always enter young terriers in what we call puppy earths ,nice shallow places were you be confident of getting down sharpish ,some folk don,t move on from them the dog does not know how deep he is and they help to give the dog confidence to stay a couple of taps on the top and he will get use to the fact your on your way jmo
  7. Is it a coincidence but the hostage taker as had a lot of sexual charges against him ,are all these jihadist rapists and kiddie fiddlers as well
  8. The amount of people who don,t know when a dog as fully recovered from its last time out and work them sore as always been with the terrier game,stock man ship as been lost a lot over the years and replaced with egos and numbers
  9. The biggest loons I have had the displeasure of meeting over the last 10 years have been into the Sealyham and Bedlington and Borders ,They rarly take them out breed for looks and work is a mile down the list of whats important, yet they do well manage to get a pup into somebody's kennel that makes a dog and they keep taking the credit and earning thousands ,
  10. I have been lucky enough to get a ticket for England on sat its a bit of a dream come true they are a great sporting occasion
  11. With it now looking like the Scottish MP,s not being allowed to vote on English laws do you know if this had been the case when the ban got voted in the outcome would have been different I think the new law will affect 60 scot MP,S,I think the same 60 Mp,s banned it in Scotland before the vote in England ????
  12. A little bit food for thought,years ago we got asked to clear a barn of feral cats for a farmer ,one of the best digging dogs I have ever seen that ticked all the boxes soon had enough and sat of the action ,then the same week did 5hrs in the ground and had a one hole result Another a young dog about 13 month went on a ratting day and after nailing a good few turned his nose up at them yet went on to be a very good first class digging dog you would work in anybodys company would any of you get rid of the 2 dogs mentioned because they jibbed on ferals and rats ,To many people talk about ter
  13. oohmydog


    The RSPCA really are becoming a law unto themselves these days
  14. To Burnley football club ,Over shadowed by the Moyes saga at Man utd ,This team of 18 players have managed to get promotion out of the Championship which if you ask any Leeds ,Forest ,QPR fans is one of the hardest leagues in the world ,because of the prize at the end of the season .If you get chance they are playing on sky at 12.30 but are being awarded there runner medals before the game ....For me they have put a massive T in the word team UP THE CLARETS
  15. I like that, nice bitch and a good life atb
  16. Paulus we have tried everything the vets let us have some Kevlar tube and dressed it 2 days later off it come we are using the sports dressing tape and have tried coating the outer dressing with pepper and chilly paste to try and stop her taking the dressing of ,we stopped the second lot of antibiotics Thursday and it as gone down hill again at the minute we have got the tube used for the dishwasher drain up 3/4 of the tail and then the strapping out of reach with the cone on her head after the last 4 weeks we aren't holding our breath ,I will try and put a photo of this dressing on
  17. She is fed on flesh and broth with dry food mixed in penny
  18. The bitch as really been in the wars ,she took the end of her tail just greeting me and caught the end on the side of the kennel ,what ever us or the vet as done to protect it its been chewed of and the wound opened up raw ,but she split the side of her head open on a corrugated sheet on top of 2 bales nailing a rabbit which as been treated with antibiotics and steroids ,with the bitch in pain for over a month with one thing or another and we are not making any progress with the tail at all
  19. After a month of trying to get a tail injury on my lurcher pup sorted ,we are coming to the point of having her tail docked anybody owned a lurcher with a docked tail and how did it affect her ,she is not a hare dog but as been bred for general mooching atb
  20. Only one thing I would do put her back to a beddy/greyhound why put anything else in ???
  21. A mate rang us the other week said he had seen a fox knocking around the straw barn ,I took the terriers over and had a look round about 10 bales up I found 2 foxes curled up dead very fresh ,he had been poisoning the rats under the pallets and I can only think the foxes had been eating the rats ,to kill them both in the same night im not sure just how much poison could cause harm to a terrier ?
  22. Done 2 seasons in a pair with the vibram sole ,they have had some stick and are still going strong with no problems
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