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Everything posted by oohmydog

  1. Was there any wire on the fence or was there timber his speed could have made him hit it after the post ??
  2. A rat as 12 nipples ,but can bring up 24 young in one litter if the conditions are right .
  3. There protected under the hunting with dogs act
  4. Do you know that a mink as webbed feet and is a cousin of the badger (glad they dont grow as big as a badger )but are we the only country in the world to protect it
  5. its not from syphalis myxi was a natural didease found in south american rabbits wich only caused a mild cold/flu. they introduced it to australia wich had europian rabbits wich this disease kills in big numbers, it was then introduced to the reast of europe and here Thats why it didnt kill the teacher ,got told years ago that it was genetically made in a lab or is that another disease to kill the bunnys
  6. I judged the lurchers there about 6yrs ago its a fantastic show and its very well supported by working lurcher owners you will have a great day
  7. Your never to old to learn something if you know anything unusual about wild life or hunting add it to the thread Here i go ,Myxomatosis is from a human strain of syphilis .Al capone died of syphilis ?? I gave a teacher a very myxied rabbit to eat 30yrs ago and he is still a live ???
  8. He is built for the job the rest is up to you. good luck
  9. If you have a big ego

    Want something for nothing

    Think your as hard as your dog

    Tell lies but you have no memory

    Spend most of your time slagging people off

    Do me a favour dont get a dog

    and f**k OFF

  10. Agree 100% totaly agree if the dogs got it in him /her it does not matter if it sleeps in a kennel or on a carpet
  11. i got taken to court 5 times by tilcon quarries the police charged me with taking ground game (conies) without the land owners permission the fine goes up every time they summons you 25yrs ago it started at £20 plus cost it was all part of the game we used to catch hundreds of rabbits sell them for a pound (dressed) i made more money then than i do now,if they think you are breaking a 100yr law these days they take your vehicle of you how times have changed
  12. D o you think undershot dogs loose there teeth a lot quicker than a dog with a good mouth ,if worked and the dog gets up to his quarry is an undershot mouth a good mouth upside down [/quote) No its then overshot The kennel club came up with the idea of line breeding years ago if you look at there track record it does not need explaining .the wolves keep deformities out of there breeding by only the alpha male and alpha female breeding if a wolf from another pack ousts the alpha male it widens the gene pool i think thats how it works
  13. I reckon that educated quarry wont take to kindly to a terrier trying to boss it around ,and are you confident that if the dig went on for hours on end that you would account for the game at the end of the dig. very good point ,you can get some very bad tempered 45lb critters if they have seen it all before
  14. i have had 3 dogs that were undershot one was f*****g crackers the other 2 lost a big percentage of teeth by there second season ,we could go on and on ,as it gone of topic i cant remember (the cracks about lookers and opinions being crap are a bit Cornie )a dog with out teeth is just a bark
  15. Sorry forgot to mention the most important thing when line-breedin that both parents should be without faults n most importantly healthy and strong.. ..... Pa Who do you think as f****d the border terrier up some big names there ,don,t listen to myths never have understand what lads are on about but i think when dogs have a good reputation and everybody wants a pup things go tits up and its usually all for money thin line between big name and big dealer SO BY YOUR EARLIER POST ABOUT LINE BREEDING, FATHER/DAUGHTER ETC, THAT'S WHAT FCUKED UP THE BORDERS? IF I HAD 2 DOGS IN MY YARD A
  16. quote.. alot ofdogsin coursingare on steroids!! how do you know this ? please show us all your proof ! The way the governing body on the track greyhounds is set up it can take up to 5yrs to ban a substance,there was one going round that worked very well but the dog or bitch was burnt out at two and half yrs old ,that wont make any difference to some people as long as the brass is in the bank
  17. Sorry forgot to mention the most important thing when line-breedin that both parents should be without faults n most importantly healthy and strong.. ..... Pa Who do you think as f****d the border terrier up some big names there ,don,t listen to myths never have understand what lads are on about but i think when dogs have a good reputation and everybody wants a pup things go tits up and its usually all for money thin line between big name and big dealer
  18. i agree mate. And for me finally getting to a point with a little help from some of the older big names producing some steady away old fashioned terriers. Not the show types. Not that there is anything wrong with that, i just cant seem to get that mix right. Not that im worried about looks 20 odd years ago you went to look at a litter of terrier pups checked the teeth and feet and bought one because of the parents and what you had seen them do or been told .the breeding in some dogs these days is gross (interbred to the extent that deformities in the litters are regular some of which are n
  19. i agree mate. And for me finally getting to a point with a little help from some of the older big names producing some steady away old fashioned terriers. Not the show types. Not that there is anything wrong with that, i just cant seem to get that mix right. Not that im worried about looks 20 odd years ago you went to look at a litter of terrier pups checked the teeth and feet and bought one because of the parents and what you had seen them do or been told .the breeding in some dogs these days is gross (interbred to the extent that deformities in the litters are regular some of which are n
  20. I cracked a rib when i slipped while out lamping,i bought a pair of royal hunter studded wellies £125.00 they are ten years old and still perfect the exspence at the time kept me up at night but i would never wear anything else when its wet
  21. Remember a dog up north suluki greyhound ,greyhound this dog ran with us for 5/6 yrs he was bred as a match dog but some times acted like he just could not be botherd,on some days /nights he would be one of the best things you could dream about in a lurcher,if you give the dog to mutch work the towel was thrown in and that was that.we used to think this was one of the bad habits suluki blood put in your dog ??
  22. well, it can only be one of two things, empty gas bottle, or the ignitation switch had actually checked the most obvious things and some not so obvious have you used this type of smoker? oh yes, its a blowtorch basically, so either empty gas, blocked gas pipe, or ignition, cant see anything else that could stop it they are great for doing under buildings especially with concrete floors ,chainsaw better on the bigger rat earths take both if possible
  23. if you live up country [mainly walls and fence i wouldput a good greyhound on her ]if its mainly hedges id go for whippet greyhound
  24. don,t no why the lad needs electrolytes i use it with the pure breds ,lurchers second cross or not don,t ,a bit of glucose if they have been run ragged with a levret or a massive bunny bashing session is all they need .once had a match with a very good dog on the lamp the night before we went my lurcher ate 8 easter eggs foil and all .anyway in my wisdom i ran the match ,my bitch had 3 hares and 38 rabbits and my ex mates bitch had 41 rabbits and 5 hares ,don,t think it was the chocolate just got beat by a better dog
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