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Everything posted by oohmydog

  1. The brown hare can reach speeds of 30 mph .and as been clocked at 45mph
  2. The badger is the fastest digging animal on earth ??
  3. 3 dogs and a vixen ,dont no whether it was coincidence but all the dogs were behind the vixen
  4. Not sure how you make sure were and how deep your pup gets bitten ,If you have a child at 9 or 10 and give him a belt round the head there's every chance he start crying or sulk of,do the same to a 20yr old and he will give you a belt back if he as some fight in him ,its called maturing .You can have a 5 stone lad who looks like a piece of string who is bullied at school become a champion of the world when he its maturate LET YOUR DOGS BE PUPS BEFORE THEY BECOME A GLADIATOR
  5. There are 176 registered fox hunting packs in england and wales and 10 in scotland since the hunting ban the number of people supporting them as risen massively .I was talking to some one who said that the number of people who have follow the hunts since the ban ,out number the entire membership of the league against cruel sports
  6. dogs off the right lines will easily kill a rat at 4 months i used to keep any litter of pups till 12 weeks old and would then try them on a rat and any that killed them without help id keep the others id give to mates and all the dogs i kept made the best dogs. might be just coincidence but its true. dont take this the wrong way but NO true terrierman refers to pups as babys its just not done as they are not babys and if treated like one will be ruined. im not saying he should expect it to kill the rats or not i dont no him or the dog but myself would expect a 4 month old to at least have a g
  7. If he gets to close to a full grown pissed of rat ,there's every chance he will shy of them for good .Let him be a pup jack russells usually mature earlier than other breeds give him another 5 months just watching from a distance
  8. The people that they are trying to stop having dogs don,t give a flying f**k what you are supposed to have .if it was £100 for a dog licence they would not buy one. the pricks ruin it for the rest
  9. The government are suggesting that all dog owners will have to have insurance in case there dog attacks someone
  10. There are approx 2,5 million breeding pairs of wood pigeon in the uk ,even though they taste lovely they increase in numbers yearly
  11. Seen some cracking dogs bred this way very apt at killing rats as well as rabbits
  12. its sounds to me like a hormone in balance you have got to get her outside so no harm can come to your son consult your vet GOOD LUCK WITH THE PUPS
  13. A 5oz mole can eat 50lb of worms a year ,and dig 18ft per hour sub surface
  14. happy ferrets ,keep there teeth to there selfs
  15. When we used to do alot of ferreting in north Yorkshire we used to get very large numbers of rabbits ,when we were dressing them we used to get alot with white speckles on there livers i dont no what it was but have never come accross it any were else .
  16. if this dunt explain it then nothin is gunna!!!!! just to make it more confusing the mark 1 box only went to 8ft but when you used a 15ft callar you double the depth ie if it shows 4ft it is really 8ft if you had the 15ft collar on ?????? sorry
  17. The shows are,nt as busy as they were 15yrs ago there are some cracking dogs about loads more than people see or here about, unassuming men with nothing to say or proof working there dogs
  18. Whats going on in Oldham there,s load of people walking round in there pyjamas
  19. The French poodle is not really french ,it is a German gun dog it was kept for retrieving from water ,they used to shave its coat to help it retain beyonce in the water,the big poms on the head were used to tie different coloured ribbons on so they could be identified at distance
  20. It really does beggar belief why some people go on someones land to kill a animal and leave it ,when you could eat it, is it the age old LOOK WHAT MY DOG CAN DO aren't i great scenario ,
  21. Somebody hasn't been reading the raw feeding threads... Dog shite's supposed to be WHITE. Shame on ye... As for the scum, they need a needle - and I don't mean for their state-sponsored smack intake. when you look at them and how they integrate into the British way of life ,it makes me think who they turn away ?? scum
  22. its not from syphalis myxi was a natural didease found in south american rabbits wich only caused a mild cold/flu. they introduced it to australia wich had europian rabbits wich this disease kills in big numbers, it was then introduced to the reast of europe and here Thats why it didnt kill the teacher ,got told years ago that it was genetically made in a lab or is that another disease to kill the bunnys it is man made mate It's not man made, it was introduced by man but it's naturally occurring. myxi first appeared in a laboratory in south America in 1898 it killed
  23. DEW CLAWS. Some dogs have dew claws on there two front legs ,and some have them on all four legs ,They are removed when pups by a lot of owners as they can get ripped causing bleeding ,wolves, African wild dogs, dingos,and most of the big cats have them ,they have found dinosaur's with dew claws ,some are attached to the leg by solid bone and others are attached by muscle They are thought to help when digging for prey in hard ground
  24. Won one at the fair Saturday the bowl was extra
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