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Everything posted by oohmydog

  1. Seeing alot of pigeons on the grass lately ,groups of about 15/30
  2. The berkeley fox hounds are the oldest pack in the country, the land they once hunted was a massive area they had hounds kenneled all over the south of england a few very famous packs have evolved hunting the land the berkeley used to hunt
  3. The roe deer was thought to have become extinct in the uk around the 18th century ,they were hunted because of the damage they caused to farm crops and were treated as vermin .They have recoverd to be the most common deer in the uk.
  4. Did you think he was funny
  5. A greyhound can reach speeds of 40 mph
  6. I fancy creosote its realy good over fences
  7. In victorian days when the rat pits were popular ,there were seventy pits in london alone ,the last known public event was held in leicester in 1912 the organizer of this event was prosecuted and fined and had to promise the court he would hold no more events of its kind , I would have loved to see the dog billy or jacko work when they held the world records
  8. Thats the reason me and thousands of dog lads like me did not go on any of the marches they all wanted the ordinary peoples support [bANNED TEXT] it was inevitable that the ban would be put in place but the same farmers and land owners that marched would be the same people who would have you prosecuted for poaching a few rabbits poaching and trespass were against the law a long time before they banned hunting with dogs
  9. The male hare is called a jack and a female is a jill .the jill can produce up to 3 litters if the conditions are right
  10. I agree on the other hand David Cameron said the other day that if the conservatives get in he will allow a free vote, nothing in between the lines if the Tories get in there will be a free vote ,and all aspects of hunting will be in the public arena again, and as we have nothing to loose it can be only be a good thing ,this i guess as cost the CA alot of donations as we have seen MPs dont do alot for nothing
  11. I marched for coursing and earth work got interview by itv at dinner ,and arrested by 3pm i have stopped paying my subs to the countryside alliance i get the felling its like a bottomless pit were money is concerned but what other voice is there .the coursing club i am a member of is affiliated through the coursing club There isnt any voice for ordinary terrier and lurcher lads,were out in the cold and always have been,i used to be on here a while ago,i told the truth then and got hounded by shitheads who said "you re doing more damage than Labour" funny how it turns out im right
  12. I marched for coursing and earth work got interview by itv at dinner ,and arrested by 3pm i have stopped paying my subs to the countryside alliance i get the felling its like a bottomless pit were money is concerned but what other voice is there .the coursing club i am a member of is affiliated through the coursing club
  13. Im not with you pal? Do you make bikinis or sunglasses? Do you make or sell hearing aids? you could cut a fresh loaf with wit as sharp as that
  14. Got the yellow pages today its a third smaller this year,its been a long and tough 12 months and not just for the big firms bring on the good weather
  15. Rabbits don,t have tear ducts, and are popular with the make up industry because they can,t wash the chemicals out of their eyes
  16. The only problem with using soft mouthed dogs for ratting is they start to get a bit hard mouthed which marks the game
  17. Chim chiminey Chim chiminey Chim chim cheroo We hate those b*****ds in claret and blue
  18. ADOLF HITLER banned hunting with dogs in Germany
  19. There are 27 different kinds of fox in the world,because of the chroma zone difference they can not cross breed with dogs or wolves .Dogs and wolves can crossbreed
  20. THE SHORTEST WAR IN HISTORY WAS BETWEEN THE ENGLISH AND ZANZIBAR IT LASTED 38 MINS stay off my thread you smart twat just because you think your invisible dose not make you clever or some kind of keyboard warrior it just goes to show what a big baby you are ,if it was jd or any other mod you would agree with everything they say, wipe the shit of your nose and concentrate on getting a decent f*****g dog
  21. A cockroach can live for up to 9 days with out its head until it starves to death
  22. Walking down a lane today ,couple walking towards me with a 8 month old pup when it started being a pup (all excited to meet someone) so i gave her a stroke and the couple started to tell me that she was a husky Alsatian deer hound lurcher and the sire was a gypsy dog with a bit of collie in him,they used to be called mongrels i said ,she is not a mongrel they said .well i think she is what do you think ,people just cant have a dog anymore its got to be somthing different
  23. Had some young women knock last night collecting for the local sperm bank .I gave her a right mouthful
  24. Aristotle wrote about ferrets in 320 BC
  25. The grey squirrel came from America and apart from a small colony in italy does not exist in europe .The red squirrel cannot digest acorns
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