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About oohmydog

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    Mega Hunter

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  1. Do you have a marking dog Morton that is unable to enter a pile lurcher or hound or do you just loose your terriers and hope they find ,I was talking to a lad who got drawn in to looking for your dog in a pile and when it all came out, you had no idea if the dog had entered the pile ,no collar no idea what if anything it had entered for [there is more than a fox lives in a rock pile ] or do your mutts no just to work fox when on the piles We used to have the terriers coupled until we got a mark I was lucky enough to have a couple of good marking dogs between me and mates and only when if
  2. I hear where you are coming from and totally agree,yet the reason id not waste brass on the CMW is the fecking nuggets that write with expert opinion and they don,t have a fecking clue,id take P.T. out of the publication and its a joke.I can read between the lines and get the gist of a purposeful article,the majority of the articles,terrier and lurcher orientated are written by folk that like a less educated audience. Just like the nuggets that write on here Morton
  3. Its a shame you lost the rubber dick with a bit of a clean up Morton would have had it for a tenner
  4. Morton the ultimate internet creation....COME ON WALES history awaits
  5. You can just see the farmer when his sheep is running from this fellas dogs with a lamb hanging out its back end saying carry on lad your dogs are sound ?
  6. When sheep are about to lamb they run and move away from anything they think is a predator or harm ,it don't matter how well your dog is trained so to stop any mishaps stay away at this time of year
  7. I like to see the different perspective between what i perceive to see to be a good-un and what someone else perceives.Im not for one minute Knocking you mucker yet i never rated Hoskers spud or its Red understudy sapling.Again what some may seem to be a relative hunting lifestyle may not suit another,i had little to connect me to Hoskers hunting lifestyle and his Spud Ego,what i offered him pissed him off, an honest bitch that never stopped and i would not line to his 4th rate beddy lurcher,ive had Beddys since and still would never own a Beddy lurcher,again.Id still never own another honest
  8. Have you any proof about the pedigree of granitor bedlingtons or is it just another opinion formed by you, sat in a dark shed playing with your cock and in that moment of dribbling the best part of you down your leg another gem comes from those shit stained fingers while trying to ruin someone or something with no credible proof what so ever so come on lets here it
  9. Have at look at Green fingers store on ebay they sell some good stuff and great service
  10. A mate told me a recipe for eating a Canada goose He said get one and don't hang it Pluck it immediately and empty the carcase Rub butter all over it and fill the cavity with a new building brick rap in foil and burry it and light a fire over the top Leave for 24 hrs Dig it up And eat the brick ?
  11. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Richard-Carter-2-Prong-Digging-Pest-Control-Fork-Rabbiting-Ratting-Foxing-MYD-/321764574825?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item4aeaa9c669 great for rocky tips and clay
  12. That looks well made ,the ones on ebay are the same as used by the gas and electric board that's were I saw them first and the shaft is light but really strong I put in the forum because the price seems good delivered to you
  13. Just seen these on ebay had one a good few years and are a great bit of kit use mine ratting I paid £nearly forty quid for mine
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