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Everything posted by jas

  1. She looks nice; how old is she and where did you purchase her. Do you or has she been used for water retreiving? What prompted you to get a HWV over other upland breeds? I have a deposit on a male pup from Zoldmali Kennel in hungaria, if all goes as planned the breeding will take place in the beginning of May. Great vid, how old is the dog?
  2. Hi there, I'm on my first ever dog and have never been hunting/shooting before. I got my Vizsla and he is now 8 months, he is absolutely brilliant. He recalls to a few quick pips on I'm working on his quartering now and can sometimes get him to turn on 2 pips. He is a very intelligent dog indeed and can be a bit of a handful, but I reckon that can happen with any dog. I took him beating a couple of times and he really seems to be getting the hang of it. It may not be the right thing for this type of dog and I'm sure some will tell me i'm doing the worong thing, but as i don't own a gun or
  3. Oscar is now 7 months old and until a couple of weeks ago his recall to voice and whistle was really good. A couple of weeks ago i noticed that if he was biting a stick or sniffing the ground he would ignore me. If i went to him he would look at me and run hoping for a game which I didn't provide. Today he ran off and crossed a road and ran to the another park. He refused to stop to whistle and voice which usually happens. I went and got him and didn't tell him off in case he associated it with the recall. What do i do next? I've bought him a 30ft lead and going to take him back to basi
  4. I think I'm just going to hold off and give him more time, I've left it ofr two weeks now. I agree, he is a pup and i probably expexted to much too quick. Though this weekend we went to the beach and he loved retrieving in the water, it wasn't even his ball!! Theres a link to the video of it here, he just did it off his own back. Then on Sunday I tookj him to a Game and Country fair at Exeter and for fun put him in the novice scurry. I hadn't a clue what this was so watched it, he didn't bat an eyelid at the bangs, and took quite a interest, when it was his turn he went after the dummy lik
  5. I have started doing this though at the moment he treats it as a game and starts barking and jumping up at me every time i turn and blow the 2 pips on the whistle, he gets very excited, and the more i try to stop it the worse he gets, any ideas how to keep him calm whilst trying to teach him to hunt? I've left the retrieving for the time being!
  6. When you say get him hunting, any tips on how/where to start? He is 6 and half mths would that be a bit early?
  7. Thanks for the replies, I'll give it a break for a few weeks i think.
  8. We would definitely agree butcherboy, best we have seen by far! Steve Kimberley also has training DVDs on his website. He has over 20 years experience training gundogs, the training programme covers spaniels, retrievers and HPRs. We haven't seen them, but if his training days are anything to go by they should be good! Hope this helps Lisa. Lisa, have you been to Steve Kimberley? I was thinking of doing the same but have heard mixed reports, can you give me nay info please.
  9. Oscar is a six months old Hungarian Vizsla and used to retrieve pretty enthusiastically but lately he just either runs towads the object slowly, gets there, picks it up then puts it down and starts sniffing at somnething else, or he will just run towards it and then just go off in a different direction. Any idea how i can get him interested in it again? Ideally, I'd like to work him so this is quite an issue! This is not guaranteed to happen all the time but its 50/50 at the moment. When he does return to me, I give him lots of praise and he gets a reward once he has finished. I don't do i
  10. Yeh cool its your land but you lot totally miss the point as i said STRESS & DISTURBANCE can cause serious impact on nesting birds & general wildlife. Its that attatude of its my lad that makes it ok then despite the distress caused that makes it ok fair enough SORRY. Why you think the right to roam act stipulates that dogs should be on a lead at said time of year. Stress is a killer on nesting birds you only need to go to a happy hen/free range egg laying facility to show how the egg production goes down when charlie starts to do the rounds due to STRESS. I am a dog owner myself &
  11. I'd like to thought i have never done anything of the like befoe, his mother is a working dog. Its going to be long journey as it is my first dog but I am looking forward to it and wioll persevere. He stayed in his crate from 11pm to 6am this morning though he started whining at 5am. I had to ignore him All hard work but rewarding
  12. Thanks very much, i got him from here. he was brilliant on the journey home, held himself for 5 hours and wasn't even sick. hes a clever little chap. http://www.prettypoint.co.uk/
  13. Well, it is my first pup so i know it will be an experience o say the least. Here is a link to some pics as i cant work out how to post them http://www.photobox.co.uk/album/109012709
  14. Just got Oscar at the weekend, he is settling in nicely other than barking/whining through the night even after he has had a pee. four restless nights for me so far! Though 2 nights ago i completely ignored him and he held himself till 6am, so its just a case of ignoring him i suppose. He is an absolute star though, i'll put some pics up when i've worked out how.
  15. Thats a lovely looking dog Swampy, i pick mine up in 5 weeks and looking at yours is just making my wait all the more frustrating. I'm really excited!! Any tips, please let me have them as i'm a novice owner. Cheers Jas
  16. Nic, what do you mean by tried and failed? Was that just working her?
  17. have you thought about a wirehaired one? Personally I prefer them for bone, looks, character, temperament....... no, i haven't. i've put a deposit on a short haired one, born today hopefully!
  18. I'm amazed you humoured hime for so long!!
  19. Hi all, great forum here. I'm a new owner and am thinking of getting a Vizsla. I'm told they can maybe be a bit too much for a new owner. Will this really be an issue? I hope not, I have done some research and I think I will. Anyone have any experience or advice etc?
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