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perthshire keeper

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Everything posted by perthshire keeper

  1. just seen this it looks a good idear,a follow on from the american one called "project pooch" would be good to se what you all think? http://www.stir.ac.uk/news/news-page/winning-the-hearts-and-minds-of-young-offenders
  2. hi their. when a snare is all twised realy bad aslong as their is no broken strands. to get the kinks out stand on the peg with the snare closed oround your thumd then run a stick or hammer handle up and down eather side of the wire quite fast untill the kinks work out. then is should be streit. to re tension it make the loop and hold the eyelet under finger and thumb then with the other finger and thumb work them aroung the noose from ped end to eye end intill it stays the noose shape with a little spring in it. or look at woodga`s pinned thread on rabbit snareing it makes it clear.
  3. we offer roe and red stalikng with stalker or on your own if deemed suitable. or shooting from highseats. buck doe hind or stag all woodland and heads prepared for you free of charge pm me
  4. yeh mods should start chargeing comission on thease about 45% buyer and seller should stop bidding
  5. return to sender!! or luke kellys bonny shoals of herring
  6. good as ever.i used to have glare off my mod but i just put tape on the bottom of my lamp to stop it hitting the mod
  7. 8ft for a locator as it fell off but about 5ft for a kill
  8. my first ferret sandy was realy old when he went he lost weight soo fast then i got him put down. hope all works out for you
  9. damm thats cheap!!! would you rfd to rfd the 223? at my cost?
  10. i have mine 16/18 inch hight but on a hill they will go lower as the top line will be closer to the crest of the hill so about 10/12 high. i have had rabbits jump over hemp nets in daylight thou
  11. heare heare just because something needs killad on one place doesnt mean it needs it every where good on you for saveing them, shows the antis we arnt all blood thirsty nuts. i have looked after a otter kit before and found it the best 3 months i can remeber its a privilage to se and hold thease animals alive and well so make the most of it
  12. i would say otter we had a load killed last year with just the arse and parsons nose eaten and some with the bills off at the head like some one had sawn then off i sat out with the lamp and it was a otter seen him do it
  13. i have a breda semi outo too its a bit newer than the one on their. so i cant realy help. but it should be fairy easey the pin you hold to pull the slide back will pull out undo the knob at the end of the fore end and toake it off then the rest just pulls out.
  14. 2 inch weld mesh over the front mate i use use it in kill sets too keeps headgepigs out too
  15. i like the shelby but look at the shevell in the back ground now their sexey
  16. the answer is a BIG NO, only if your dog is attacking sheep or other stock . And your dog dose not have to be on a lead, as long as its under control they carnt say feck all FACT. Tell him to feck off. and if he did tell him , he would find it hard to pull a trigger, with brocken hands sheep killer lol what you or the dog just seen the big grisly saw in the pic lamb for tea lol like you said big no
  17. good to se the old school cars showing up i thort it would be all lambo and other ital jets, cozie rs2000 nice! and the mk 2escort, i like the mk1 thou i would sell the veyron and buy lots of mustangs
  18. like the dodge their smart as eggs would you have a ducks of hazzards rep? i do like the bowler wildcat idea too it would make feeding and lamping more fun
  19. well boys and girls if you could have any 3 cars what would they be and why, mine are 67 ford shelby gt500 :tongue4: bugattie veyron cos i could and eather a 67 dodge charger or plymouth cuda so come on if the mony was their and the missus willing what would you have
  20. i doesnt have to be the lr is just long rifle which is a rimfire as you will know. so some fods may just change this to suite. i put down 22cf so i couod have a choice of rifles and got it as a 22cf insted of haveing to state 222,223 ect diffrent forces do diffrent things.
  21. theirs lot of pots saying lamping with a good gog or airgun would be good but a million candles is hard to mis. from my days mooching and yes i still do. any thing that cant be seen or sat next to is best you need to ne fast and silent and if you can invisible. so lamps are a no go snares are no go as if someone sees a rabbit-hare in one they will only have to sit out and bang your buggerd. air gun in daylight would be a good bet. or in modern days its a nv sight and good airgun and you can do some dammage. but for me its the longnet or gatenet. what i fear most as a keeper is not a lad with
  22. as its been said get peg to peg bloody good book. a quick set is just what i says on the tin but their exspencive and bulky.
  23. are they copies? how much for all the second lot?
  24. if ime still heare next year and your still wanting to know how its done. you can help us for the summer about 10 weeks. acom is provided and its about 100-120 a week wage
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