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perthshire keeper

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Everything posted by perthshire keeper

  1. i would be interested in a trip out or two comitting full time is not realy a option as ime quite a distance, i can work a net,i was trained by the great "grandad bob"
  2. thats why ive stuck to drillings its a bit fluffy-er! that and long silage grass it seems to hold the water better all the mown off stuff is like you say hard as iron, no good like. works slow hear at the min just the odd call out to mown off stuff
  3. the van "of death" lol every thing you will over need rifles shotgun rabbit snares fox snares spades nets water proofs hundred traps rubber gloves a vast array of knives,knee pads walking sticks, bass gill net,turbot trammel net...just incase. frying pan salt pepper and cooking oil! you name it its in there! the only empty sprrung trap in the drilling field! almost 100% always mark traps well you dont only lose traps but the mole in them too! with barrel traps you can tell if you have him and even how well you have caught him by the angle of the arm as it sits out the soil
  4. 32 from one farm on saturday with 45 traps set late friday night i reset 32 traps and picked up 22 moles on the sunday 18 from a field of drilling on sunday from 25 traps set late saturday night, here's a few pics from the drilling field
  5. thats poor money for bass we can get-sometimes- £10 a kilo and some times grey mullet out price bass! go work that out... i dont suppose you have a cunning plan as to how i could get a net drifting from the beach?
  6. not even outside the "season" on the beach? thing is we get more migratory "funny fish" with drifters than we do fixed nets as we can drift right along the breakers! I only use 200m of net when bass drifting and plan to drift for mackerel this year ive been rigging 2 inch nets all week, that's a right loody pain. you wouldn't know what average price per kg mackerel is would you? what you getting for bass? we get average £8-9 a kg pm me if you want
  7. we have fecking hopeless bylaws up hear we have to have 3m of water over our headline at all times of tide unless we drift nets. so that makes our mullet season v short 2 month at best. then we switch to skate and sole..
  8. hi stando you wouldent be from carmathan area would you? I was born there but moved a long time ago hmm I just thort I would ask as the pick up and hounds made me think of some one I know down their.
  9. . only 8 ft deep why? all ours are 50 mesh about 12-14ft deep and 100m long
  10. they were picking up well, we got 22 in 4 nets on the last day of the season, but that's us until 1st of dec unless we use drift nets from the beach or sein nets no fixed gear. god forbid we should catch a migratory fish! I cant wait until next year to get thease trammels out and get stuck into the skate and turbot!
  11. I fear a lot of wanna-be rambos on this thread lol shooting at long range is not a dark art or luck its knowing how to past 1000-1200 you need to think spindrift (bullet spin from rifleing takeing it off line) air temp even coriolis affect, hight above SL and angle of shot. and the ever present wind no only where you are but down to the target. out to 5-600m is FAIRLY simple as long as you know the range and wind past 6-7 it starts getting harder ive shot out to 1500m with 300wm 270wssm 6.5-47 and even 220 swift with 80grn bullets and ive had 10inch groups at 1000m with high end
  12. hi stando you wouldent be from carmathan area would you?
  13. yeh I use 4,3/4 multi most the time their very good nets I put 7 into 14 with most my nets, good for the bass and mullet
  14. hold on lads ile just get my slurry tanker the amount of shite posts on hear would fill a tank. roe 280m with 243 custom build 700. red hind on the hill 355m hyem 270 crow 6-47 custom by rhino rifles 476 ish (range finder was gammy with rain) 220m rabbit with 17hmr 10.5 inch drop countless foxes at and over 300 on the fells with the 223 and new 22-250
  15. number 3.... I used to use floats but found they rolled in the tide too much, I don't like rigging trammels they so much slower to do than say 5 inch mesh, this is the first multi mono one ive made too and I like it better than single
  16. http://youtu.be/nmH_B6WRCTs just a quick how too, I got lots of people asking what knot is used to rig them so I put a video up
  17. dam tc I thort my turbot trammels were a pain to rig! but this would drive me nuts! p.s 22kg of urbot in 14 days nice ehh
  18. I can see ennerdale vally from my window now ime about 5 mile from the lake
  19. Can you not get that sorted mate? That Gareth gates didn't half improve. ive had help for primary school and secondry and private including hypno ect and its about the worse any one has seen, ive seen me run out of credit in a phone call before I have said hello lol.... gareth gates aint got nowt on me......Sorry to hear that mate, won't pretend to imagine how hard it must be. Don't think I'm mocking you but I think if it was me I'd learn another way to communicate like sign language, teach your mates it etc. I know this doesn't help on a phone but it would in a pub etc. other than that, don
  20. just gota find a buyer! one of the trade secrets that lol
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