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perthshire keeper

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Everything posted by perthshire keeper

  1. Well done...bet you were happy with yersel.......................... i must not other lads were not the ones i was giveing evedence against.
  2. but if you use your loaf and think about it its easy to get away with it the trouble is most egits just bang a net out and wander down to pick it up, if you know for instance that the fisheries only patrole weekdays and only morning tides its quite simple to dodge em not... that you should
  3. and the freind in question is on last warning after 8 convictions for it he will do time.....but with salmon at £10 a lb for "black" fish and seatrout at around £15 a lb and the chance of catching 20-30 fish in a good tide in the right place its worth thinkning about, when i lived up scotland i helped the bailifs on the forth estury a bit and feck me its insane up they you get lads drifting down past fallin in full daylight with baseball bats in the boats! i went duck shooting their one night in sept and as i shut the boot a bit too loud about 10 outboard engins started up on the water and to
  4. yeh hear they fine you any where from £500 to £1000 normaly the full grand and they will try and take the vehicle, a freind got one for haveing nets out a day late and he got pulled takeing them off the beach with 2 mackrel in them and got £1200 fine
  5. LOL brilliant, a keeper jumping the fence!!! only on THL hey i was draged up not brought up! lol
  6. buy the best you can afford flatpack are about the best i think
  7. thats grand bud if ts not gone ile have it then
  8. last time i was up biggar way we had a lot of good hares......... quess which one i am lol get a lurcher mate better sport been their shes done that now she is retired
  9. bingo...... the handsome one in the tweed and not even a red face...............shooting hares Wish someone could explain to me the sport you get out of shooting hares , with todays guns and the easy target that a hare is , it must surely be only to keep lurcher lads off the land , hares were born to run , lurchers to run after them , how anyone can stand there , looking proud of themselves in that photo baffles me , I would rather the law catch me than pull a trigger on a hare . they were as you say shot to keep lurcher lads from the moor and as a dog training day for a gundo
  10. yeh ime up by sellerfield way. ime interested in it but if its less than 100% then ile have to shorten it dowm. giz a shout if your up this way any time soon
  11. if you could have a look if it is 100% please
  12. last time i was up biggar way we had a lot of good hares......... quess which one i am lol
  13. do you know what bag it has? most deben are only 50% bag
  14. if the soil is v wet i use talpex traps if not then its barrel traps all the way, make shure you tamp the bottom of the run down, and seat the traps well ive found once he has tripped a trap once you have to change traps to get him ie from one desinge to anuther also, i think a lot depends on where you set the in the tunnel system get it in the rong place and you starting from the back foot any how....30odd in 12 hours from 40 odd traps
  15. right gents ime struggleing to learn/string a particular sentence together so how are fond and free pronounced? the spellings i have are saor and aisce as in tá na dames de Fhrainc Fond agus saor in aisce
  16. its the kinda place you could just about do in daylight! a good one to keep for emergencies
  17. well chaps i was short of a bit of ferret food for the kits so i had one drop with a 50 yarder and well this is the result. not bad for one drop in summer......good blind drop thou
  18. if it realy is £10 to park ile be going over the fence! robbing barstewards.
  19. i love mine ive got a hatstand escort its a beast!
  20. every mans hand is very very good i picked it up at a sale for 3 quid awsome!
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