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perthshire keeper

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Everything posted by perthshire keeper

  1. That reminds me of a bloke I picked up last Christmas, he was clutching a brief case. c**t was a whacko, he eventually put the case on the back seat. Drove for about 40 miles with him looking over at this case. Best bit is, when he got out he f*****g left the thing. I never noticed till I was nearly home. Didn't know whether to be a nosey b*****d and look in it or take it to the police. In the end I done both go on then what was in it?
  2. my lamping route goes thru a good drinking town and i often stop and give people a lift if their going my way, when i say people i mean barely dressed strumpet
  3. ohh i recon i get most of them but then dads Irish,grandparents are Irish mams english. close but not quite
  4. I wonder just how many nets there are around the country just lying around? Mr Goodcat Far too many...imo most people buy them with good intentions but lack the knowledge/skill to use them. if were all honest we messed up and got it wrong in the beginning but perseverance pays..i must admit I was very privileged to have been taught by( imo) one of the countrys top longnetters/netsman, and owe him a great deal of gratitude. yep same hear...
  5. i have just been listening to it on the net, all sounds a bit iffy to me, but it did say postmortem examinations are being conducted bit iffy if you ask me!
  6. yeh ive had to plaster up the last 2 fingers on my right hand as ive skinned them! ive still got 2oom of turbot nets to do this week! if you all want ile put picks up?
  7. yep ime building a extra run this week so thats theirs,,i have a sneaky feeling its the springer cross bitch but dont know. even so lesson learned
  8. ive always had the 3 together and then the 4 terriers together. i had 2 terriers 4 foxhounds and 2 springers together for years, ive worked terriers for a while so i do know what to expect thanks
  9. long since separated,pups are back in the house now, the springers in the spare kennel now as the fell is in season so the pups are in for a wile at least
  10. just got back from the vets, she recons theirs been a fight in the kennels (him/sister/the springer cross and the fell bitch) and its swolen up as a result of that! bloody close one if thats the case odd thou they have always got on very well. lesson learned thou... he got well looked over by her a anti-inflamatary jab and anti-bionic as well as a course of tablets to take the swelling down over the next 3 days, and only £61.20p my sphincter has stopped going like a rabbits nose now
  11. yeh cheers paulus, ive just phoned them and it seems i should be able to get help with any (god forbid its gets that bad) bills, it seems to be lymph glands are swolen ive seen it with farm stock but not dogs, ive got a appointment first thing tomorrow and he has just had a bit to eat and drink again so ive calmed down a bit!
  12. Despite what people say not all vets are b*****ds and have a pay up scheme and I'm sure if you explain the situation they will be willing to sort something out for you, I take it he can breath/drink/eat fine? my hears in my fecking mouth......he can breath fine he snores a bit when asleep, and is drinking water fine ive not fed him as i dont want to get any thing blocked up, maybe some dog meat and milk minced up?
  13. right all put the pups away last night all was fine this morning at 8 i could see from my window that flint was walking funny no bounceing around like normal, so i ran out and he has a big lump under his throat from ear to ear almost, and couldent lift his head up high, so i looked down the throat thinknking he has swallowd something but nowt down teir so i ran in (with him) got on the phone and phoned a half a dozen vets to see if i can get him looked at ASAP only one vet said they can come in but it will be an emergency call and as its not life threatening and will cost a lot so i would be
  14. cheers lads i cant beleve how much they have grown ile get some more picks up of em in the daylight
  15. Go on to FishTay site...find out the beats that are allowing it and Rob's your mothers brother ;-) To the best of my knowledge the ban has been lifted on the whole system but only certain beats will allow it ;-) ahh thats right i can remember it being mentioned in TandS
  16. no i buy the sheets in, its 250m long and 12ft deep. this sheet was given to me for makeing some nets for a freind
  17. I have found a couple of ferreting books out for you, I will post them on Monday OTC well done that man! as good a gesture as you will see on thl , ive still got that trap you were wanting a long time ago
  18. well the net makeing area is v quiet at the min so hears a bit of what ime doing at the min its a 3 1/2inch 3z nylon sein net that i use for mullet and trout ponds when asked to, but it only had a number 2 lead line on it and i felt that was too light so haveing a lenth of no4 in the shed i decided to re rig it the top is no4 the bottom no2 teice as heavy = better ground contact = more fish i decide to rig it with 3 and a bit hangings but after 5 mins i decided it would take bloody weeks to finish and went back to 9 inch 3 1/2 inch hangings on 125m of net the diffrence between the smal
  19. their only wee still,, ime a bit worried the bitch will be "snipey" if the dog works half as good as he looks then ime sorted! at least their tails seem to have gotten better as they puppy fat goes the tails look longer, they have been out in the kennel for 2 days now as i had a big bit of the living room partitioned off for them, and it was time to see how they were in the kennel for any lenth of time
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