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perthshire keeper

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Everything posted by perthshire keeper

  1. ive seen me this month break thru to a tunnel FULL of water and set a duffus trap compleatly submerged and still catch a mole next day....its a bad do trapping in the mud and rain and crap but needs must for me
  2. Isnt there some footage of Pat Carey snaring a stink pit taken by some undercover antis? yeh the plonker droped him self right in it it was a big big old pit too..the only thing that was to big to go in it was his ego
  3. i made horse hoof lure once.....that stuff was potent
  4. with any luck yes, but it's bloody warm at the moment very mild,True, but I seen one a few weeks ago.And traps work in the warmer months too. Were still getting the odd one in tunnel traps,far to warm down this way for anything to be thinking about sleeping the winter away and was watching hares box today...bloody hell not seen hares boxing yet, but the crow seem to be flying in pairs, which makes me wonder when to start with the Larson traps, and found rabbit belly fur fri afternoon, which is good for me as its been a shit yr on rabbits, funny that i was laping on a spot 2 nights back and
  5. hmmmmmm just sell your catch....that way your a commercial man...as seeing as thou you are using a unpowerd vessle in this case no vessle quota and registration laws are dam near non applicable....loopholes are their to be used...just gota jump high enugh to get thru them
  6. intresting stuff gents! so will the charges some how be cheaper is its sent from a private residence rather than a shop?
  7. if you have your head screwed on and are ready for a fight..and some proper paperwork to handle then..this wont apply to shore netters
  8. its a damm shame that the usa are miles ahead of is with snaring...what are you useing? some time early next year i might just take you up on that...what they like for sending traps over? They are good. But you will get charged import tax. postage is high, Import tax makes it even higher. BUT they've the best gear, so if ya want it you'll have to pay for it. Snareshop, Minnesota trapline products are both good. buy enough cable to last you a decade... i spoke to outlaw pete about it once and he reconded it was still cheaper...do you have some figures? drop me a pm if you want
  9. what they can read PMs? hmmm ile be right back
  10. hmmmmmm first the 3 bass limit...now a bass ban......on good news at least ile be able to buy a load more nets cheap when every one packs up
  11. i use to run 4 good sized middens and caught a lot of foxes in a BIG plantation where runs were hard to find so just make a midden that is close to your daily travel route..."make the fox come to you" ive made them from mesh and they aint as good imo brash is better and not built like a fortress ether! just enugh to make him go where you want....and when we could do it then a couple of kill posts inside the midden helped stop him smashing it up to much
  12. yeh then they get all infected and start getting maggoted so you take the 17hmr and the springer to the pond and shoot the poor buggers......but we all know that otters like badgers only eat dandelion roots and turnip tops
  13. not quite a silent one but good gota love the aussie man
  14. its a damm shame that the usa are miles ahead of is with snaring...what are you useing? some time early next year i might just take you up on that...what they like for sending traps over? They are good. But you will get charged import tax. postage is high, Import tax makes it even higher. BUT they've the best gear, so if ya want it you'll have to pay for it. Snareshop, Minnesota trapline products are both good. buy enough cable to last you a decade... i spoke to outlaw pete about it once and he reconded it was still cheaper...do you have some figures? drop me a pm if you want
  15. its a damm shame that the usa are miles ahead of is with snaring...what are you useing? some time early next year i might just take you up on that...what they like for sending traps over?
  16. beat me too it boys.... . i know a farmer who done the recreational gardens of a old folks home with phos...
  17. any one know of and can recomend a good supplier of 1x19 cable? i have some but its way to thick its like tow rope that was from game and country...
  18. you think their bad on a fish pond? try a otter that has found a flight pond with 200 newly released mallards on it ducks walking about with beaks eaten off...or the arse eaten out of them..dead ones all over the place with the parsons nose eaten out
  19. ime very much the same matts advice is half the reason i went all in on the mole trapping...i sure would love to have a good craic with him about his past days trapping for a living
  20. because theirs always some bunny funt who will have soem snide arsed remark or some dig and the little things...insted of saying "cheers for posting" or " ahh that little thing theirs a good idear" look at my recent thread.....i asked for it to be delated for that reason theirs not a single day i dont do some thing trap or snare related! tonight i was making earth anchors with a new driver...that would have made a good thead but whats the point? just to have it hi jacked.. next week ile be making a load more fox snares and i have a new idear for snare suports i want to try maybe even s
  21. weasles are very much smaller than stoats, the biggest weasle ive ever had has been smaller than the smallest bitch stoat! its said that a weasle can fit thru a ladies wedding ring.and i can well belive it ive caught them not much thicker than my thumb. yet ive had dog stoats almost as mig as a mink... if it was real small it was likely a weasle if it was only small then it was likely a stoat
  22. bite down as you blow..hold it for a split second and let go with your teeth! while still blowing.........
  23. i know a bit about christmas trees...the estate i was on cut and sold about 70,000 every year it was trees as far as the eye can see! and was a very important supplyier to the uk market...infact if some one shows me the tags on their tree ile tell you if its from their haha. its one of the few things left where the middle man makes a SMALL margin! trees wholesale are about £5 per foot and the most demand being for 4-7ft trees...after 7 ft 90% get cut out and trashed for replanting then the market goes up even more to the 10-12-15 even 20 ft ones for market quares and churches....its a big big
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