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Everything posted by hare_n_hounds

  1. Sarcasm weren't always my strongest point pal.....
  2. Sounds good, Our dogs would love it to. Bet there bored now that we are all following the guidelines laid out in the hunting act bill! Be nice to finaly see some real sport again seems to have been a lifetime.....
  3. What ever floats yA boat mate. I couldn't really give a f*ck to be honest wether one dog or 50 dogs took one. But I'm not the type to bitch about it! Maybe it has maybe it hasn't, who gives a fuc*
  4. Then I'll start a thread called ' where's the post about the lost deer post gone' haha
  5. Well boys, at least we've got the deer post back.. Hahah!
  6. I'm sure you've seen the feat plenty of times.....Not once jockey Shame Winston... Because I've not seen it, doesn't mean it hasn't been done. I don't think it's an impossible task but it would a very challenging one to say the least, winston!
  7. I'm sure you've seen the feat plenty of times..... Not once jockey
  8. Been offered 8 legs of venison for 50 quid, what do yous think, is it two deer ???
  9. Dogfox123 reckoned it could be done but know one believed him......
  10. I can't view there web page because iPhones apple doesn't support the abode flashplayer or some bolloc*s and I'm no longer on fb either.. Any other way to look at there gear?
  11. My beddy whippet done big reds, she was only 18tts...
  12. Spot on morton. Socks, your doing a top job with that pup, getting it out when young for the odd wee ferreting trip, coming on well... Was just going to post the same mate
  13. Pictures of working Borders look much the same as other Borders mate unless it has damage,and as we all know only tossas put that kind of picture up on public forums. No shit Sherlock .. Im sure you will have people lining up to help you out. Well stating the obvious with a little sarcasm isn't what I wanted, was just a simple post but as usual attracts some daft replies
  14. Heard plenty of stories of keepers etc shooting dogs, think a lot of them nr me are started just to try and deter people rather than actual events that's happened, well I personally don't k ow anyone who it's happened to but do hear a lot of a friend of a friend type thing.. but that's just by me, I bet there's a few cranky farmers out there though. I do abit on an estate the keepers sound, and I have permission everywhere after midnight...
  15. Picresize.com , resize then 'view image' then save it
  16. Just been scanning through the net and come across a dog called rat terrier, so I googled it and it is an actual type of terrier! First I've heard of it, do any of you know much about them or even work them? They not the best looking of terriers but looks aren't everything, wonder if they are used much?
  17. Looks like be a bit of Suzuki in him but be impossible to say for sure what's in him mate if you don't know what parents are etc. he's got some flat boots on him pal lol
  18. So far so good mate, thanks. She seems to pick things up quite easily . She sits, stays on command although I only started the stay a couple of days back so she still hasn't quite got the hang of it fully but does stay. Her retrieving is spot on so far aswell, just a matter of keeping on top of it all and keep drilling it into her. Recall is good aswell, that didn't need much teaching as she just wants to be by my side all the time lol. In going to start trying to get her jumping next and see how It goes! But yes, so far so good mate, cheers!
  19. Pictures of working Borders look much the same as other Borders mate unless it has damage,and as we all know only tossas put that kind of picture up on public forums. No shit Sherlock ..
  20. Same litter mate, can see the resemblance
  21. I mainly lamp usualy due to work and not being much about round here so generally see more on the lamp, but given the chance I'd rather daytime, like few of you have already said, ferret no nets, bolted to dogs. Sound!
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