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Everything posted by TOMO

  1. Congatulations mate ...Sunroof...lol....all 3 of mine came that way because of complications...
  2. Good catch there mate how many....1 farm ...or 1 pasture
  3. Yeh it's easy enough mate...and can always put a few quid in ya pocket....pick up other bits of work as well....many times I got asked if a could paint or plaster or cut trees ....all sorts of stuff like that...be right up your street mate
  4. Funnily enough I've just ordered another 40 barrel traps...got some to do next week in-between shooting rabbits every night..
  5. It's a bit more the way it's done...
  6. TOMO


    Love that sort of humour....its stuff like that ..that makes us British
  7. You digging a hole for Goly....lol
  8. TOMO


    This is the mental image I have of Francie
  9. Looks good does that mac
  10. TOMO


    So if fancie looks like a Jap and not a pale Irish man....we know it's ringer...lol
  11. TOMO


    Is the bet going to be money....or something more interesting..
  12. TOMO


    Hopefully grow out of it...lol
  13. TOMO


    Lol....what routine...you only been back at the gym 1 day... Joking aside give it a go see how you get on and tell us.. Are you going to go to a dead hang unlocking your scapula...or just down to straight arms ...not unlocking your scapula?
  14. TOMO


    I know they ain't....I agree ... But come on talk is cheap give it a go...tell us if you do it
  15. She was funny in that eurotrip film....its a funny little film...only young no age
  16. TOMO


    I thought your bet was 120 in half hour... Try the bicep pull up and tell us how you get on...don't say you think you could give it a bash and tell us how you get on
  17. TOMO


    Not saying they are... However 120 is still good going... Genuinely do you think you could do 120 any style pull ups...? Give it a go mate see if you can... Thing is with pull ups there's lots of variety...going down to a dead hang...where you unlock your scapula this makes it even harder....and going supper wide as apposed to just wide
  18. TOMO


    f**k that....why would I want to be dragged round by an Akita...lol
  19. TOMO


    Beeb beeb beeb...
  20. TOMO


    Genetic engineering.....you should definitely sign up
  21. TOMO


    Hold on a minute you calling me fat... I'm just big boned ...lol Goly I know you finding this hard to believe and you got no reason to believe anybody but at my best I could do 20...I could get 8..or so with 20 kilo plate round my waist...at that time I was around 14 and half stone
  22. TOMO


    Not sure why you think he can't Back at my best I could do 20 in the first set wide grip.... Then do another 4..5 sets...these next sets wouldn't be 20...15...13...etc....add it up...70..80 reps in 15 mins or so
  23. TOMO


    Don't be so sure Just cos we can't do it...don't mean he cant
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