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Everything posted by TOMO

  1. TOMO


    Sad ain't it mate.... Similar situation about 5..6 year ago...doorman at work dropped dead on the dance floor...heart attack he was early 30.s...wasn't on gear or anything...my colleagues worked on him for half hour before paramedics got there...real nice lad ..Mrs and kids...
  2. TOMO


    No mate did nothing maybe I should...but once again your talking about cholesterol... I started July 2023...there are a number of improvements that happened.... 1 I lost weight 2 stone in 5 months... 2 I had IBS...5..6 times a day on the loo...3 times in a morning before I dare leave the house...now I go once a day 3 I can go all day without being truly hungry...I eat twice a day now .. 4 I can go and lift heavy at the gym without thinking I better get a feed before I go... 5 overall it's very liberating for me cos I don't plan my day around food set meal times
  3. TOMO


    That was meant to be greb reply niot yours Francie
  4. TOMO


    I'm sure we have adapted to a degree...but 10.000 years is quite a short time span...10.000 year equates to your grandparents x 400....when you think about it that's not that many people before you..also when we started farming back then I would imagine it was just a few things...and more than likely the domestication of things like goats pigs were were high on there things to grow...and I do know the early grains that were grown were far different to the modern ones
  5. TOMO


    Jesus you got a hard on for Lane.... The point of the other videos is that there is evidence that it's not just sat fat that's the cause of high LDL...as I said earlier it's more complicated.... At the end of the day your just not going to believe anybody with a different view point...your very close minded... Years ago I thought like you ...I ate the standard body building food...chicken broccoli rice...fat was bad ...carbs and protein good...but you know we listen and learn... Beofe I went down this keto carnivore path..I watched everything...at first I thought this is no
  6. TOMO


    Another one fir Greb
  7. TOMO


    Wasn't he a keto advocate
  8. Same mate there's been some funny ones...I'm f****d if I know how you make those pics mind
  9. Collie whippet greyhound type...both sides
  10. I've just had two blanks on the trot...there flying now ...some good runs mind....straight through a hedge the other day...couple walking a dog other side...she shrieked....I poped up...did they make you jump I says....bloke mutters they chasing a hare....I replies oh yes wi a bit of luck they will catch it...lol....they didn't of course
  11. Funny and sadly true at the same time
  12. TOMO


    One here for Golly... Listen to what he says about sugar and LDL
  13. I've got an old chest freezer outside still working ...I've had it 20 year...and it was old then second hand...I built a garden store thing around it to keep the rain off
  14. What a great advert for Biden...lol... That dude saying he loves Biden brilliant...got 17 convictions...lol
  15. Mchull will know....
  16. PM mchull on here ...he will take you out...
  17. TOMO


    Not spoke to me since Wales got the wooden spoon last year...he's still sulking...lol I am joking of course...give him a bell mate....but mention the material of the spoon..
  18. TOMO


    You know when you call out Eddie abbu...fair enough he does contradict himself sometimes.... But Shawn never comes across like that..also he is a bonefide doctor...in fact a surgeon....the 10s of thousands of people that contact him thanking him for helping them with multiple conditions is staggering... Personally I don't think I have told king to go carnivore...and the thing with saturated fat is now starting to be debunked.....the problem is when you have both together sat fat ...and carbs/sugar....this is the big issue...also cholesterol is a complex beast...its not a case of high
  19. TOMO


    Listen to this chaps...in particular Goly
  20. To be fair that is quite funny
  21. TOMO


    He's to important to talk to the likes of Newkid nowadays...lol
  22. TOMO


    What's that then...genuin question???
  23. TOMO

    Ruskkie ship

    I thought the bottom one was a self portrait....
  24. You won't.... Fucki g sweetcorn.....bird food again...you can tell its not designed for humans because it comes out like it goes in....tastes rank as well
  25. TOMO


    f**k me....you even had slop inside you....lol
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