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Story Man

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Everything posted by Story Man

  1. Just seen the updated websites for these shows. Looks like a couple of good events. I see too there is someting special for the terrier an lurcher fraternity. I may just enter one of my young terriers in that www.gamefairireland.com & www.nationalcountryfair.ie SM
  2. Special prizes for top lurcher and terrier. http://www.nationalcountryfair.ie/terriers.htm Wonder what they are? SM
  3. George Are you the guy was at Moira with all the falconry gear? If it is you then you will getting a visit from me again. That's tidy stuff you sell! SM
  4. There is quite a bit on their website www.nationalcountryfair.ie SM
  5. I hope to get down for the Sunday. I have been trying to get some accommodation for Saturday night but all seems to be booked up. Anyone with suggestions please post. There is a caravan park about a mile away but no tent facilities. I don't fancy going to Mullingar to find a hotel but needs must. I see from the website that the event is fully booked up. That says something I suppose. Looks like it will be a biggie! SM
  6. Was at the Midland last year for the first time since 1999 and I was not impressed. A very big event but a lot of rubbish there too. The hot weather didn't help it either, although rather hot than wet! I may go to the one at Chatsworth this year. Anyone been? Is it worth the trip from Ireland? SM
  7. Great Pictures, they really do give a flavour of the day. SM
  8. Ah, I just knew that would get your interest! The question is.....Anyone going to the CLA at Belvoir Castle this year? Maybe we could arrange a meeting point one day and introduce ourselves. Just a thought. SM
  9. What a load of rubbish! People vote with their feet and don't believe the hyperbole. Get a life Mr Tittering and associates. Ok your show's the best, the biggest and has the widest aisles, best acts etc. Who gives a damn? I know which events I attend here and on the mainland. I go because I enjoy them and not because someone tells me they are something they are not! Let's stop sniping and get on with the important things in life. SM
  10. Guys Have a look on the website for the National Country Fair on the links page. There are B&Bs and hotels listed there. The going rate is anout €40 for B&B Bill tells me the place to be on the Friday and Saturday night is Isaac's Well in Clonmellon. All the acts from the fair will be there for the Craic. Read that other dribble from Albert J. Get a life man, people are trying to promote field sports here not score cheap points. Go somewhere else if you have nothing positive to contribute I read your magazine, by the way. Looks like it's all about you and and
  11. Well TomW42 What can I say. Everyone cannot be wrong about Ballywalter and Shanes Castle when they say there are small, disappointing events that are useful for a half day out. Look at the Moira Facts: Over 200 stands this year (only 30 crafts by the way). More than 100 fishing and shooting related stands, plus gun fitters, gun engravers, gun re-stockers, antique guns, more gun dealers that the other shows combined (you need to get up to date with your facts) Oh, and by the way, those guys at Moira do not give away trade sites either! On the contrary they are over subscribed
  12. Just two weeks to go until the National Countrysports Fair at Moira Demesne in Co. Down, Northern Ireland on 23 & 24 May. http://www.gamefairireland.com The gust at the fair is Chris Chittell, better known as Eric Pollard from Emmerdale. I hear he is a keen terrier man! SM
  13. Don't forget the all new Irish National Country Fair at Ballinlough Castle, Co. Westmeath. There are terrier and lurcher events there too. See www.nationalcountryfair.ie SM
  14. I hear that some of the cast from Emmerdale will be at the National Countrysports Fair at Moira on 23 & 24 May. From what I can gleen the actors who play Eric Pollard and Paddy the Vet will be there. Apparently they will be judging some of the competitions too, the children's ones I mean. Sm
  15. BASC run the Ballywalter event not the National Countrysports Fair at Moira Demesne on 23 & 24 May. This is run by a small team of guys from Co. Down and Co. Armagh and you are right, it's the only show to go to in N.I. They put the time, effort and money into it and it shows. The National Country Fair at Ballinlough looks to be a big event for Co. Westmeath SM
  16. I am not big into pointing or seting dogs as where I live in East Down it's spaniel and retriever country. I do admit though to secretly having a liking for the GWP. They seem to be the most all-round gundog of the HPR group and I know from a friend who had one, that they enter water readily. I happen to believe there is no such thing as the all-round gundog, horses for courses in my opinion, but the GWP must surely come closest. SM
  17. I identify whith what you say. As I said in another string, it's best to ignore such people and they will go elsewhere! To argue with him is to feed his ego. The moderators will sort out any unsavoury people I should think SM
  18. Some people just love being awkward and nasty. I find it best to ignore them and they usually go somewhere else. SM
  19. Lawerencetown is a small village between Banbridge and Gilford. From Belfast, the north or East Down head for Banbridge and follow the sign for Gilford. You will drive right through Lawerencetown. From the west or south head for Portadown and again follow signs for Gilford. Drive through Gilford heading for Banbridge. SM
  20. Careful now lads....this is getting a wee bit personal. Wouldn't want the great unwashed public out there to think we Irishmen can't agree! SM
  21. I'll be at Ballinlough and Moira myself. They look good and the Moira one has a good reputation for being a countryman's show as opposed to a sunday car boot sale. SM
  22. May just get down to that one. Thanks for the info. SM PS You for the Ballinlough Castle event in July?
  23. Anyone at the event at Shugburgh? Just wanted to know what you though of it. Was very poor last year when I went so I gave it a miss this time. SM
  24. National Countrysports Fair at Moira Demesne on 23 & 24 May look at www.gamefairireland.com SM
  25. The Ballinlough event is the Irish National Country Fair and it is on 18 & 19 July. The terrier and lurcher events are on Sunday 19 July. Just follow the signs for the car parking for terriers and lurchers which is close to the events. The National Countrysports Fair at Moira is 23 & 24 May. Ther racing is on Saturday 23 and the showing on Sunday 24. I think I have that right! The sites are www.gamefairireland.com and www.nationalcountryfair.ie At moira there is wild boar, venison burgers and sausages, spanish and italian food, mexican tapas, cheeses from all over Irela
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