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Everything posted by doe

  1. Still keeping my eyes open for her on all the rehoming/rescue sites, please keep on checking all your local kennels etc.
  2. Wouldn't it be better to pin this thread than the one about a pup that has died? It's an awful thing to have happened but pinning him is not going to bring him back, it might help these though
  3. Sorry there has been no news yet, I know the Sandy & Taz are registered with doglost but I don't see anything on there for the beddy/whippet. Please can you register that one too. I hope you have good news soon. http://www.doglost.co.uk/dog_blog.php?dogId=27355
  4. doe


    As the Facebook page is doing so well I have set up a group for them. I will leave Brookie to add photos. Hope the link works http://www.(!64.56:886/home.php?#!/home.php?sk=group_120340321372050&ap=1
  5. Another thread on this one, http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/185388-missing-lurcher/ Also has a facebook page and on every other site that owners could think of so hope there will be news soon.
  6. She's registered on Doglost.com Doe. She's down Martock sort of way. Thanks, in that case I have just spoken to the owner who has now put the photo on. Originaly registered as brindle so at least that's one less than we thought.
  7. Where abouts in Somerset is this one missing from? We have had 2 registered on Doglost today, one is a whippet bitch with 5 pups. The scummy lot have obviously moved to Somerset area now Wales has got a bit hot
  8. I am just so sorry that I did not pick this up earlier when she first went missing but at least now she is bumped on here and also on Doglost there will be plenty of people looking out for her. Maybe somebody has taken her in and now with the publicity they will come forward and give you a call. They are tough little dogs and may well be just living wild so you may get calls from people who have seen her about and not realised she was lost. Let us know if there are any sightings and we will bump her up. I will also put her forward to go in Countrymans Weekly. http://www.doglost.co.uk/dog_b
  9. Sorry to see that she has not turned up yet, I have searched through some of the re-homeing sites for her but nothing yet. Can you register her on http://www.doglost.co.uk/add_dog.php?status=Lost This will make people more aware. We had a simmilar one missing down in Devon who survived being out in all the bad weather for a month now safe back at home http://www.doglost.co.uk/dog_blog.php?dogId=26666 Pm me your mobile number if you need any help
  10. doe


    Thanks for the plug Brookie, Made me blush. Can I just add that although we are all volunteers and it is entirely our own choice as to how much we help (ie. phone calls, printing posters etc) the website itself is payed for from donations and fundraising events which sometimes just about cover running costs and sometimes not. You can read on my profile why I want to help you all with working dogs, any of us can loose a dog no matter how carefull we are. We lost one of ours last month. He was a well behaved GSD x grey x collie who never liked to let us out of sight. On a walk one afternoon he
  11. thank you for adding this pick of storm it will not let me upload one x Your welcome, I'm a co-ordinator on Doglost and a lurcher owner so tend to keep looking at them even when not my area. She must be out there somewhere and with all the hard work you have been puting in there should be sightings of her soon. Good luck.
  12. doe


    Crossposted to Lurcher link lost & found and Doglost facebook group. Lucy needs to be back home, too old for all this to be happening to her.
  13. http://www.doglost.co.uk/dog_blog.php?dogId=27166
  14. doe


    You are doing a great job at getting the word out. I have added the new photos on Doglost pages and bumped them. They will be going in CMW's doglost list soon too.
  15. doe


    Let us know as soon as they are in the media (news papers, radio or local TV) and they will be bumped up to the top again on Doglost. I hope it brings good news soon.
  16. Lucy now back home, black bitch and coloured dog still missing Stolen from Abergavenny 28/29th December 2010 http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/182802-dogs-stolen/
  17. Photos now on http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/top-stories/2011/01/01/help-find-sick-yobs-who-hanged-two-lurcher-puppies-from-canal-bridge-115875-22818528/
  18. doe


    http://www.doglost.co.uk/add_dog.php?status=Lost Thanks Farlap, Doglost is completely free, run by volunteers who just want to get missing/stolen dogs back where they belong. We have helpers who scan rescues etc to search for missing ones so get yours registered and there will be more chance of them being spotted. Co-ordinators have the expierience to know how to go about following up leads and get results.
  19. Any enquiries to RSPCA. They are asking all who have missing lurchers of this age to call them. We are trying to get descriptions, I will put them on here as soon as I know more.
  20. This is so sick. Hope they find the that did this.
  21. Can you register this one on www.doglost.co.uk There may be a connection with the 3 lurchers stolen from Abervagenny, not that far away. If we can link them there will be more chance of finding them all.
  22. Thanks for puting her on here, I have tried to find out more, phoned the police switchboard who insisted they would not have had anything to do with it as they do not deal with dogs anymore. Phoned Margaret Green kennels, left a message and sent email but not had a reply yet. I realy want to track her don as she may be one we have had on our Doglost list for a couple months now so if you can give me any more info please pm me. Where abouts in Plush was she found? It's only a couple miles from me.
  23. doe


    I have added all three to Doglost site, pinched the photos from here so posters will be sent out to all helpers in your area and they can also be printed off from each dog's page. Email them out to all your mates, vets, dog wardens, kennels etc. If any details need changinng please call admin, 08448003220 or pm me. Hope there is good news soon. http://www.doglost.co.uk/dog_search.php?status=Lost Scroll down through the postcodes till you get to NP7 and it will bring up their pages.
  24. Thanks Tracy. The area she went missing from is Pilsdon near Bridport but has been put in Bournemouth and Dorset echo. Any game keepers etc in that area please look out for her.
  25. We always look through the missing/stolen ones on Doglost to see if we can match any of them up but there are so many on ours WITHOUT photos it's a nightmare. This is why we ask you all to have photos of your dogs just in case they go missing. Several dog wadens send us photos of ones they find which they think may be stolen but without the photos to compare them we can only guess what markings they have. How many of you would describe yours as black with white points? or brindle with white on chest? If we have the photo we stand much more of a chance.
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