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Everything posted by doe

  1. Pleased to see the owner was traced quickly. Any found dogs can be posted on www.doglost.co.uk or let me know and I will put them on. It doesn't cost anything, we have loads of missing ones registered and as soon as any found ones come on we search through to find a match. We've had loads returned even when they have been moved to another area miles from home.
  2. Sorry, meant to put this in the "pictures of stolen dogs" bit, can someone move it for me please? http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=128513 Pic of dog
  3. doe


    Cross posted. Tall deer hound cross found near Alfreton, Derbyshire on 4th November. Taken to pound, no idea where he has been moved to now but if you think he may be yours please contact the dog warden for more info.
  4. I have been asked to cross post this warning. "My dog was stolen last night car seen silver 4x4 berkshire area, fortunately due to a very brave woman I have him back but keep a look out and warn others please. Rottweiler 13 months taken while out walking saw the car, that he was put in but did not actually see them putting him in (if that makes sense)very dark I would say they probably picked him up as his recall is brilliant and he was distracted on his return to me I would recognise the vehicle again but did not manage to get reg number nor did the other lady as she was more concern abo
  5. doe

    Fox Trerier

    Photos of this dog were sent to the owner from mobile number 07967738115. It's orange PAYG, any of you recognize the number? She has probably been sold on so if you know where she is pm me. Below is the Doglost poster for Kiska, can any of you print it off and hand it around? Kiska.doc
  6. http://www.doglost.co.uk/Page.aspx?data=pz...vs2Zs1dQRdyX%2f Stolen from my car in Sainsburys car park around 4.30pm Chiselhirst 18th Sept. This is a photo which the person who nicked her sent to owner demanding money. Sent by mobile number 07967738115. Later sent text saying she had been sold. Now Found
  7. Waiting for permition to put some of the DL ones on but you wouldn't believe how many do not have photos!
  8. Have sent you PM with some contacts who may be able to help.
  9. Can you put him on doglost? http://www.doglost.co.uk/page.aspx?pg=83 I can crosspost it for you if you like. Need to know Postcode Contact number (mobile) Dog's name Age I can take the picture off of here and the rest of the details. We've had a lot of success lately getting terriers back from underground, your local hunt may also be able to help with this. Pm me if you need any more help.
  10. I know Iv'e said it before but here goes again. Info can be given anonymously by phone or online at Crimestoppers 0800 555 111 http://www.crimestoppers-uk.org/giving-information.
  11. http://www.lostdogsyorkshire.com/apps/phot...hotoid=55513004 There are a couple of lovely looking boys on here.
  12. I'll start the ball rolling with Patman's pups, 4 dogs, 1 bitch. 8 weeks old, stolen10-10-09
  13. A very welcome move. I will put all the stolen working ones from Doglost on. With owners permission that is.
  14. The 2 previous ones have gone to new homes or been claimed but others have taken their places. See if you recognize any of them. http://www.stgileskennels.co.uk/lost-and-found_143_1.htm
  15. Cheers I will try to contact the dog warden
  16. any idea what happened to this one? was she claimed or did she go for re-homing?
  17. And another. Where are they all coming from? http://www.doglost.co.uk/Page.aspx?data=Qv...RLWz4AV9A3g4oh7
  18. And a couple more http://www.doglost.co.uk/Page.aspx?data=Qv...RLWz9IN4Q3nZxO4 http://www.stgileskennels.co.uk/md52_5621.htm And a Patterdale http://www.doglost.co.uk/Page.aspx?data=Qv...z_352ATR8JPm8WR
  19. Chips have been removed in the past but it is only the older scanners which can locate them in the body. Newer scanners will read but not pin point where it is so unless you have a real skinny dog and can feel the chip you wouldn't know where to start.
  20. Only got pic of lurcher bitch so far, waiting for others. Here is a link to her page http://www.doglost.co.uk/Page.aspx?data=pz...xJvs67mzv5IBGZb For info on others do advanced search numbers 19946, 19947 & 19948 If you register on Doglost and login (quick & easy to do, just need email & password) you will be able to see more detail, print off posters etc. Here is picture of Smokey
  21. Thanks for posts, Gary should have taken up the offer of more secure kennels and regrets that now but regrets wont bring them back. I'm sure he has learnt from this. We just need to find out where they are or where they have been moved to and check out any that are offered for sale or picked up. All of you, get your dogs chipped, ask your local dog warden, they are often cheaper than the vet. If you don't get them chipped at least take some pictures with your mobiles. Don't have to be posed pics, more important to just get pictures of any distinguishing marks so they can be identified. You
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