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About doe

  • Rank
    Mega Hunter

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  • Location
    England, Dorset
  • Interests
    Country life and traditional ways.

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  1. Found in Marlborough a couple days later, luckily chipped so back to owner as soon as scanned.
  2. Please look out for Tom, http://www.doglost.co.uk/dog-blog.php?dogId=123138
  3. I have just read on DogLost that the 3rd dog, Ella, has died from her injuries. If anyone has information please call Jayne at DogLost in complete confidence. 08448003220.
  4. Now registered on DogLost. We can help spread the word, alerts sent to helpers in the area, can be shared direct from site etc. http://www.doglost.co.uk/poster.php?dogId=119313#.WaVbBfWcFdg http://www.doglost.co.uk/poster.php?dogId=119312#.WaVbbvWcFdg http://www.whtimes.co.uk/news/stolen-dogs-potters-bar-1-5165026?utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=Social_Icon&utm_campaign=in_article_social_icons
  5. Can you ask your friend to register them on www.doglost.co.uk along with the crime ref number from the police?
  6. Thanks beast, the person who posted that will be spoken to, especially now she has insinuated that DogLost co-ordinators have acted inappropriately.
  7. The post was not made by an admin person or co-ordinator and will be edited on Tuesday to verify this. DogLost policy is to abide by the law and report all found dogs no matter what breed or circumstances to the local dog warden. It is then down to the correct authorities to contact the owner if the dog is chipped. We do have a lot of lurchers registered as found at this time of year and the contact number shown is usually that of the dog warden or local council. We do not give out kennel details without their permission either.
  8. http://www.doglost.co.uk/dog-blog.php?dogId=114670#.WRXo-vWcFdg
  9. http://www.doglost.co.uk/dog-blog.php?dogId=114575#.WRXnwfWcFdg
  10. Still no news of the 9 year old bitch said to have been left in fields in Bedfordshire. You all asked for photos of the CCTV, no new info has come from putting them up at the risk of reprisal so now, please everyone help find this dog for Black Jack, LARGE CASH REWARD OFFERED FOR SAFE RETURN.
  11. Very possible as it is strange that no one has reported seeing a stray in the area.
  12. Better to put posters up everywhere in the area that the remaining bitch was said to be dumped so everyone can look out for her. http://www.doglost.co.uk/poster.php?dogId=105608#.V_6D886cG1g
  13. Here is the photo you have all been asking for
  14. Whatever the reason this happened there is still a 9 year old bitch out there somewhere at risk of causing an accident on the roads, being shot by a trigger happy farmer or some other accident. She was thought to have been left in a field near Leighton Buzzard There is now a large cash reward offered for her safe return.
  15. Any information can also be given in confidence by calling 08448003220 CCTV pic taken off due to threats to the owner.
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