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About sidnos

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  1. Hi, thanks guys, have cheked out the pinned article but a little confused as the actual practical installation and fabrication of earth anchors, ill keep studying it until it dawns on me!! many thanks, just out of interest thought id mention a buzzard managed to spring my fox cage trap this morning!! never had this before!! was nice to see, know they can be a nuisance but not here yet!! had a good feed on the bait and was released unharmed, must have really tugged at the bait to pull the cord!! regards sidnos.
  2. Am about to, thanks, bit off topic i know but what are people using as tealers now, always used hazel but struggle getting a good shape with floppy wire, if that mkes sense!! also how are you all anchoring the snares, not possible to use a fence line so some sort of stake, have used wooden 2x2 stakes in the past but found that attaching the snare confidently an issue also think that they can hold scent, any new gadgets or ideas in the past 10 years? lol. thanks again otc.
  3. Hi all, am new here, so i apologise if this has been asked many times!! Im having some probs with foxes taking my chickens. Decided to snare, have used snares many times in the past but am now back in the game after a break, now i need to know a supplier of good quality snares, ive had trouble recently with some being of poor construction or releasing foxes once caught. Im after approx 10. many thanks. Hope someone can help? Sid.
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