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Everything posted by Shrubber

  1. I havnt been snaring long but it seems as my snares get older,the less succesful I'm becoming. I still shape the wire to the basic shape thats reccomended but I find the wire does become more and more untidy looking as its used. Is is best to have the wires as new so the curve in the wire is perfect? Does what the wire looks like have an effect on the rabbits? I suppose a perfect curve fits in more with the surroundings rather than something that just look like an old bit of wire.
  2. I had a hob of mine a while back who just suddenly lost the use of his legs. He was fine the day before. The vet x-rayed him and found a tumour. It was too far gone so he had to be put down. I hope its not that of course but dont waste any time getting him to the vets cos ferrets go down hill quickly.
  3. I meant a cattery,not rabbit run. Ive got rabbit on the brain. Try this: http://shop.ebay.co.uk/?_from=R40&_trk...kw=cattery&
  4. I bought a new rabbit run from an ebay shop. Its about 8x12 and just a basic cage with one door. I just put the hutches/nest boxes inside it.
  5. Is there a special way to handle and store these nets? I had to thread some of the nylon cord through as it hadnt been threaded all the way through but as soon as I take my eye off one end of the net,it bunches up into one massive clump of nylon. I've only ever used purse nets before so something this size is new to me. It seems as if a part of the net falls through some of the holes and knots itself up that way. Should the cord be knotted onto the net at intervals or should the whole thing be free to slide along the cord?
  6. I've acquired some land that is over run with rabbits but the farmer seems to have a fetish for corrugated metal. There are old sandpits with metal dumped into them where obviously the rabbits have realized they're on to a good thing and dug warrens under the all the junk cos they're virtually bomb proof. The ferrets manage to get around it OK but would a ferret finder work if the ferret is under layers of metal sheeting? Also,most of the warrens are dug into steep banks so the warren probably goes down quite a way. All of the ferreting videos I've seen are set in nice,clear meadows with lit
  7. It was a lady bunny. It had makeup on and everything. Although I did add the makeup myself.
  8. Aye,I think it has to be a cyst, after googling "cysts". Dont think it can be anything else. Put me right off custard it has.
  9. young and milk? No. The whole sack is full of the thick,custardy stuff. You could nearly fill a teacup up with it.
  10. I noticed the lump when I picked it up assuming it was an intestinal worm or something but it doesnt seem to be part of the intestines. It's under the skin and its just a big sack of what just looks like white custard with the same consistency. It doesn't seem to have an odour. Checked the liver and thats fine but havnt checked the kidneys as I really dont want to be digging around in it if I can help it. I'm guessing it's not even fit for the ferrets. What the hell is it? Never seen anything like it before. It was snare caught btw.
  11. Does anyone know of any good books or have any sort of advice on obedience for working dogs? I dont know if the methods are any different but it seems that most training is geared towards house pets who will never really have to use their instinct to the fullest. Getting a dog back to you while he plays in the park is going to be easier than one who is tearing after rabbits I would of thought. Or am I missing something? I have a Parsons just over a year old and whilst being obedient in the house,will completely blank me as soon as he's outside,especially when the scent of bunny is around. I
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