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Everything posted by Lamper121

  1. It's was a good show actually as far as the dog shows went, not too much else to look at unless you like horses. Hound trail was good. Judges can't have been too biased as my dog won a rosette haha
  2. He's a beauty. What does he weigh?
  3. October for me. Might go and start clearing some vegetation on some of the bigger warrens in September
  4. Anyone know where I can get some spun poly quickset long nets (incl. poles & basket)? Before you say it..Ive tried to contact NELSON (who I have bought nets from before) but ive had no reply from him. Cheers
  5. I have mine in a hutch which is attached to a large aivary style run. The hutch gets the afternoon sun so my lot often up-camp and sleep in the run where its cooler. Also in really hot weather I put out a shallow container of water which they climb into and stick there heads under the water to cool off. Smell wise, as long as you clean the droppings every other day (as Micheala suggests) and deep clean once per week you wont have any noticeable smell IMO.
  6. Saturday 29th July 2017 Few miles outside of Pickering on the Whitby Road. It's held in a field on the top of the Hole of Horcum usually. Its a small show but always worth a look. Got Terrier and Lurcher shows.
  7. Cheers Lamper121 There doing good thanks mate. Have them out as much as I can letting them exsperiance as much as possible and getting picked in all kinds of ways. There soft in my hands now mate they did nip a few times but I just put my knuckle in there mouth 2-3 goes An they soon learnt. I just find the more you pick them up An play with them the more they don't wanna bite and just accept that it becomes the norm being handled. Totally agree mate, I'm using the knuckle in mouth method too and they are getting the hang of it now. Look forward to seeing how you get on with them.
  8. Lovely pic mate. How are your kits coming along with regards to nipping? Are you using the knuckle in mouth method or tap on the nose method? I have two kits coming on for this season too and they are starting to understand not to nip although when they get playful they get a bit forgetful!
  9. @ Big napper - I'm particulalry interested in one or two of the collars only and possibly the purse nets if they are spun poly. I'll wait for the pics....
  10. Is it the Mk3m with the magnet to turn the collars on mate? Would you consider selling some items separate or not?
  11. Hi mate Yes I've seen them and the ones for £25 in Waterstones. I was hoping to get a second hand copy cheaper.
  12. Hi All, Orignally posted this in the Hunting Books section with no luck...does anyone have a copy of Chris Newtons biography of Hugh Falkus (A Life on the Edge) which they want to part with? Cheers
  13. Hi All, Has anyone got a copy of Chris Newtons biography of Hugh Falkus (Hugh Falkus - A Life on the Edge) which they may want to part with? Cheers
  14. Haha! Some of his other books go for a wee bit more than that though mate. I think he wrote one called 'Cottage at the Edge of the World' which goes for over hundred in some cases!
  15. look like two little beauties, best of luck with them mate
  16. I wish.... good luck with finding them homes.
  17. Now then mate, I've sent you several PMs with no reply. If you see this can you get in touch. Cheers
  18. I never got the test done I admit but the poor hob died before he got a chance to get his leg over so I'll never know if it was successful or not!
  19. Did you have the test done after the operation? They usually offer for a sample to be analyzed to see if the op was successful
  20. My Jill is only two years old but I'm the same , I don't normally breed but she is such a great worker that I thought I would. Depending how things pan out this season I may try again next year
  21. After consulting more experienced friends I think she had the kits earlier than I thought and that's why they are bigger than I expected for day olds. Hard lesson to learn....
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