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Everything posted by Lamper121

  1. Have you say now! https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/use-of-general-licences-for-the-management-of-certain-wild-birds-a-call-for-evidence/detail-of-call-for-evidence
  2. Have your say..... https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/use-of-general-licences-for-the-management-of-certain-wild-birds-a-call-for-evidence/detail-of-call-for-evidence
  3. Defra are having a consultation on the recent handling and future of the general licences...have your say! https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/use-of-general-licences-for-the-management-of-certain-wild-birds-a-call-for-evidence/detail-of-call-for-evidence
  4. We need to play them at their own game, they want us to hide from them because that way they can use the silence as evidence of them being right. I have raised so many points and reasonable arguments on that blog so far and they can't hack it , they cant provide a straight answer back. Just a person reading that blog who is on the fence would maybe take a less bias view....every little helps. Fight for our cause because we will never get it back if we let them ban it!
  5. As long as your opinion/comment is valid and non threatening, why not? If you allow it to be all one way traffic only their opinion gets seen. Staying quiet and hiding won't work but of course its up to you.
  6. ver since the GL nightmare started I have been commenting on Mark Avery's blog where he discusses all the anti-fieldsports campaign they have under the guise of protecting wildlife. I ask you to get on there and start commenting on the blog, it's easy to do and takes no time. Show these people that we wont just sit here and take the blatant attack on our way of life anymore... https://markavery.info/blog/
  7. ver since the GL nightmare started I have been commenting on Mark Avery's blog where he discusses all the anti-fieldsports campaign they have under the guise of protecting wildlife. I ask you to get on there and start commenting on the blog, it's easy to do and takes no time. Show these people that we wont just sit here and take the blatant attack on our way of life anymore... https://markavery.info/blog/
  8. ver since the GL nightmare started I have been commenting on Mark Avery's blog where he discusses all the anti-fieldsports campaign they have under the guise of protecting wildlife. I ask you to get on there and start commenting on the blog, it's easy to do and takes no time. Show these people that we wont just sit here and take the blatant attack on our way of life anymore... https://markavery.info/blog/
  9. Ever since the GL nightmare started I have been commenting on Mark Avery's blog where he discusses all the anti-fieldsports campaign they have under the guise of protecting wildlife. I ask you to get on there and start commenting on the blog, it's easy to do and takes no time. Show these people that we wont just sit here and take the blatant attack on our way of life anymore... https://markavery.info/blog/
  10. She's all good now, I put it down to the rapid diet change to dry food at the time. The only thing she needs to worry about now is being shagged silly by the hob! Thanks for all your replies. ?
  11. Good looking Dog that mate, what is he at the shoulder now?
  12. My oldest Jill had fresh red blood in her droppings for a couple of days last week. She is a healthy weight and eating and drinking fine; I'd say she was slightly less active than the others but that has been apparent for a while and I put that down to the fact that the other three are only between 8/9 months and just under 2 years old where as she is an old girl. I had changed all of the ferrets' diets last week as I ran out of rabbit and put them on dry food in the interim. I was worried that the change to a dry food had caused her to have harder than usual droppings and was causing the blee
  13. sorry to hear that mate, 16 was a good age.
  14. I've just strained out the fruit from some sloe gin and blackberry vodka I've made. Anyone got any recipes using the left over boozey fruit?
  15. Same here, I wouldn't be without my longnets anymore, a bugger to carry sometimes but nothing escapes (well...most of the time!)
  16. I think you can only get them from the distributor new. I think they aren't doing a reprint so maybe have to wait for a second hand one to crop up
  17. I ordered that book as soon as the Scott Rea advertised it on his YouTube channel, he's a legend. I personally hadn't eaten rabbits for years because the smell just got to me but some of the recipes in there have changed my mind and a few less go to the dogs and ferrets now!
  18. That's a day to remember mate, well done
  19. Middleton raw dog foods on Ebay. Ive used them for about 18 months now and get 23kg of mince chicken each time, delivered to your door too.
  20. PetsatHome do good hutches actually, at not bad prices. Otherwise good old EBay
  21. I took her for a jab yesterday's actually, she started looking a bit weak and sluggish and I wasnt risking anything. Discussed it with the vet and we came to the same conclusion as we did on here that the hob probably just lost interest as his balls went back in and her season was fairly late on
  22. I've got some Sloe Gin and Blackberry Vodka on the bubble already
  23. I have just been picking ripe sloe berries here in North Yorkshire, anyone else noticed how early they are this year?
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