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Everything posted by bertie

  1. Neither is cross eyes mate, at least if you got that one pregnant, she might blame the person next to you! :11: :11:
  2. Want to think yourselves lucky, i went shooting with ian and he asked me to wear one. Beware of the man in the pink car!
  3. bertie


    Class! :11: :11: :11: :11:
  4. Quality looking birds. Do they taste as good as they look?
  5. Just eat one and tell us how it went tomorrow! :11: :11: :11: :sick:
  6. There not magic mushrooms, dont know what type they are but there not magic ones! There will be an encyclopedia of fungi on the net if you look for it!
  7. 23 people have been found glued to the walls and ceiling in a ulster train station, its though to be the work of irish muslims trying out there new no more nails bomb!
  8. Your best bet is send a pm to Ianb
  9. Knew them all, but did you know most stolen phones are sole abraod, as they still work there and they pay good cash for them!
  10. With all your money, £500 would be a mere nothing! Unless its to spend on another pink spray job on your car! :11: :11: :11: :11:
  11. Maybe clever, but how camp was it, beware poofs on the prowl!
  12. Who let that gob shite on here! :11: :11: Hello mate welcome! :welcomeani: :welcomeani:
  13. My favorite has to be the fox, i still dont know how anyone can kill these magnificent creatures!
  14. I think I tried that, barfed all night and shit through the eye of a needle. :sick: Your just not trying hard enough!
  15. sister used to drink 1664 mixed with K cider :sick: She's not a cheap night out then! :11: :11:
  16. 25 looked and only 1 honest enough to reply! Oh dear! :whistle: :whistle: :whistle:
  17. Try this out lads and be honest, i got 14/16! and the two i got wrong were women, who i thought were men! http://joeschwartz.net/shemale/index.html
  18. ACE larger, probably the worst tasting larger in the world! :sick: As for special brew, mix it with a nice strong cider and its like rocket fuel!
  19. bertie

    Deleted Threads

    We all know mods have to delete threads from time to time, as part of being on these sites we should just accept it! How about we have a separate part of the forum though where all the deleted threads go, put on a warning that if anyone is easily offended not to click on to that part! Bet it would be the most viewed and most posted in part of the forum!
  20. :11: :11: :11: I work in a slaughterhouse too, remember to worm dogs regularly as sheep tripe gives worms more frequently than ox tripe!
  21. Then why ask me, " John5 " ? Why get involved yourself ? Those are rhetorical questions, of course ..... Oh; Look it up for yourself. I have better things to get on with. Bye. What better things than to derail my thread? Thank f**k for that! Now be gone you interfearing wa**er and let my thread be used for what it was intended!
  22. Fact's are though chap's i didn't ask for your advice on wether i should get one, or even how good it would work, i didn't even comment on my reasons for asking if one was available in the first post! What i did ask was does anyone have one! For which reason logical or not to which i require it i didn't ask to be questioned! So back to original question does anyone have any half breed polecats! Not interested in opinions of why i shouldn't, only interested if anyone has some surplus to requirements!
  23. I want them for a friend, who would use them for rats, also he's not scared of a bite and likes to play with them! Precisley! Why set aside and ignore thousands of years of selective breeding??? You want to go live in a cave too, Bertie? I'd rather live in a cave that a caravan mate. Or are you not a real dykeshiter? :11: they can be a bit snappy bert , usualy too fast for rabbits ! :11: Maybe too fast for rabbits, ok for rats in buildings though mate!
  24. Hi has anyone got any half breed polecats around the lancashire area?
  25. bertie


    Yes Frank its time you threw an unreasonable and irrational strop, over nothing at all!
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