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Everything posted by bertie

  1. I've sent you a pm with some numbers to ring mate, hope this helps.
  2. First one is a 12g Zabala SOLD SOLD The second is an Astra 12G SxS boxlock non ejector, barrels are 27.75", chokes are quarter and half the stock is a straight hand wrist walnut one with checkering on it, forend is anson, the gun is in fair condition, it does have a crack in the forend, and a slight crack in the stock, barrel and action are clean as can be. £60 ono And the third one is a 12G Belgian non ejector, the barrels are 29.5", choked to half and full, stock is a straight hand wrist walnut one with checkering on it, forend is anson, this too is a lovely little gun bores are
  3. My father owns a butchers, and makes lovely sausage! Even got him to make me some game with chilli and garlic spices a month ago, the best tasting sausage i've ever had! Shame your so far away!
  4. Is said parrot tame and does it talk?
  5. Hello mate, the way the police advise is, apply for your licence, a FLO will come out to see you, and will ask you where you will be using it and a few basic safety questions about using said shotgun, then will notify you and tell you to get a cabinet and secure it to your property, after doing this notify him and he will come out and check your cabinet, if its to his satisfaction he'll either give you your cert then or send it out to you in the post. My advice is if you've never been in trouble with the police, or its been over ten years since any minor offence, just buy a cabinet and fi
  6. sorry to all who didn't reply, too late!
  7. Bertie, Just out of curiousity are you going on some kind of course or are you paying a goode guide to take you out?? A guide shouldn't be charging you to take you out on crown foreshore where shooting is free. Mark. Mark it was come by from an ebay auction for the wild trout trust fund, so i didn't mind paying the money, as its got me a days shooting and its for a good cause!
  8. I can't beleive it either, its also on another 4 sites with no reply. Just to give you some idea of its value, it cost us £70 each, and i'm offering his place FREE! This is also tha last weekend for shooting geese on the forshore in this season, the kit you'd need to wear is cammo and wellies, so nothing we all dont have! :whistle:
  9. No mate. noone has taken me up on it, only pm's are from a local lad, who would if he could lol. Come on lads this is genuine and for free!
  10. Well me and a lad from work have paid for a morning and evening goose flight this saturday in Kircudbright bay in scotland, only one problem, he's fallen off a horse and has jibbed out! So if anyone fancies going there with me get in touch, its free, only thing are you need B.A.S.C. a shotgun cert, and the use of none toxic loads are a must. Anyone fancy it then? :whistle: Either get in touch with me via site, or you can email me on bertie_w@hotmail.co.uk I live in bishop auckland in county durham should anyone want a lift there.
  11. I work as one of the elite of all butchers! A boner! Well the women love the sound of it.
  12. Thats cheep for an amazon with cage and toys mate. Only wish i had the cash! Have a bump instead!
  13. Its bad here too, the frosts have been poor and the food in the woods are in abundance, they've been that sparce the rape is around a foot high!
  14. bertie_w@hotmail.co.uk or on skype as bertie6975
  15. Done just over 150 mph on my bike, things were starting to get to me before i'd seen them so ass went and backed off. It is fun though, when the partner says no the bike will always say yes, so has to be as good as sex if not better! :11:
  16. My pal tried hypnotism and it worked for more than a year. She gave him the thought that a cig was a banana. ( he hates them they make him sick!) :11: Also i stopped nearly two weeks ago after 18 years smoking, its the first time i've said i'm going to stop and the first time i've tried! My secret? Willpower! :11: :11:
  17. I'm in bishop auckland too mate! :welcomeani:
  18. To add even more, two of the ones i've seen lately selling it aren't even english, there bloody immagrants! Want sending home tp begg on there own f*****g streets!
  19. Well if you do and want it to keep on tv sign the petition here! http://www.petitiononline.com/tg100/petition.html
  20. I'd of left home before the wife did if she tried to feed me that slop! :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick:
  21. Escaped Prisoner Man escapes from a prison where he had been kept for 15 years. As he runs away, he finds a house and breaks into it, looking for money and guns, but only finds a young couple in bed. He orders the guy out of bed and ties him up in a chair. While tying the girl up to the bed, he gets on top of her, kisses her on the neck, then gets up, and goes to the bathroom. While he's in there, the husband tells his wife, "Listen, this guy is an escaped prisoner, look at his clothes! He probably spent lots of time in jail, and hasn't seen a woman in years. I saw how he
  22. Well if i did i wouldn't tell you lot! :whistle: :whistle:
  23. R.I.P. Freddy, my heart and thoughts go out to his family and friends, a true tragedy of life its-self.
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