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Everything posted by bertie

  1. angora ferrets sell for £200 each, so you never know it may be cheep, however i doubt it!
  2. I've just met Lee and picked the 2 silver jills up. What a nice pair of young ferrets they are, well fed and tame as you'd ever want them. Thanks Lee your a gent
  3. Shame you weren't a touch furher north, if you were i'd haver the 2 silvers for the tenner. Or if you happen to be travelling a touch north soon i'll meet you and buy them.
  4. No bother mate, if they dont get in touch i'll definatly have her.
  5. I've just picked one of these silver ferrets up from cappie49, realy nice young kit seems well handled and extremely tame. Thanks mate
  6. I only wish he had some silver jills, i'd gladly of bought them, if you ever do Jordie please keep me in mind.
  7. bertie


    Hello mate, been trying to find this one out myself, noone seems to know who has the rights to it. I'd even pay for it if i had to.
  8. Can i have all silver jills please
  9. bertie

    Haswel Auction

    Yes your right, its now at swan castle farm which is opposite kyles cars, it was on sat and is on every fortnight. There's another one though advertised in yellow paper called thornley auctions, at gore hall farm thornley which is on sat 18th says all types fur, feather, trailers, dog kennels, hutches, horseboxes, small tools and more. sale starts 10am telephone number for it is 07842120930
  10. I've 3 pedigree bitch rottweiler pups for sale, there three weeks old, fine healthy big pups. The bitch is a loving house pet and good with kids, but also a great guard dog at the same time. She's only brought the 3 pups up, so to say there big is an understatement. £300 each. P.M. Me for more details.
  11. I spoke to a hitman about taking out my wife, he said he would put a bullet 2 inches above her left nipple. I didn't bother what good would shooting her in the knee cap do? :whistle: So you know the bitch well!
  12. I've a hippocrockadilla pig if thats any good to you! (commonly known as my exwife) Its still living at the moment but i'm sure some stalker on here could do us both a favour, if not i'd pay money to watch it corsed by a few lurchers!
  13. bertie


    Please dont call her vicky ( the ex-wife ) what a bitch that turned out to be! :whistle: I'd call her tish. Whatever the name is she looks a fine pup.
  14. These guns are all in full working condition, the only reason there for sale as they were bought as a job lot of 7, i've sold two and am keeping two for myself. I will take offers, but please dont complain about wanting cheep guns in the future as these are as good and as cheep as rough shooting guns get! If i put them up for £150 each as a dealer would ask would you all feel better and less suspicious, there cheep as they were cheep to me!
  15. bertie

    New permission

    Good stuff JRTman, all you need to do is keep the farmer happy and your permission will grow and keep growing.
  16. The first 4 pictures are the Zabala The second 4 are the Astra And the last 4 pictures are the Belgian
  17. My ex never used to get involved, she realy used to hate me going out shooting. Well that along with the fact she realy used to hate me! On a good note though, the lass i've just started seeing wants me to take her out to shoot some clays and see if she likes shooting! ( her choice not from me asking! )
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