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Everything posted by barney412

  1. agree 100% with you nid, loch lomond may be 24 miles long but very few of that 24 miles hold good numbers of pike, and the good areas do get hammered. PS. i have always found livebaits live longer when hooked through the dorsal, if hooked through the tail too close to the lateral line they normally die a lot quicker(except jack pike)!
  2. hi anna, have you been upto much flushing with your dogs ?
  3. nid .i went for charlie but ended up way a joe n a hare.well flushed by my saluki xssssss
  4. cheers for the welcome everyone, been busy lamping this week,going for charlie tomorrow, will update in next couple of days, good hunting to all!
  5. hi, just joined, use saluki crosses for flushing/retreiving hares/fox/deer, looking for genuine hunting talk, im from central scotland
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